Chapter 1

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Lieutentant Eve Dallas couldn’t believe herself – seven hours ago she’s in New York dealing with criminals, and now she’s in Italy being chased by a mob of criminals. Mobs.

And amidst of all was her sinfully-handsome husband, in his dark mane hair highlighted his framed angelic-like face and a poetic mouth bearing a devilish smile, stirring wheels like a kid playing its toy.

“This is not an arcade game, Roake, and hell, not like they’re cops and were robbers!”

“Darling, you’re ruining my imagination. Men can dream.”, he playfully answered, with an Irish lilt that can make women swoon.

“Bastard!”, she uttered, “You told me we’re only eating pizza, and now we’re being hunted like criminals!.”

The two suddenly docked their heads when a stream of fire guns impacted their vehicle.

“Shit, they even wanted to kill us!”

“Eve,”, Roarke sighed, “If I don’t know for the fact that you’re a ranking police officer who had handled car-chasing ops, I might think you as a whiney bimbo.”

That had hit Eve’s nerves, and as much as she wanted to smash Roarke’s face, she couldn’t, and would never afford to let them be caught.

She recalled Roarke told her about attending a party hosted by his foe-turned-friend Don Miguel. She pointed out that the venue was in Italy, and both of them couldn’t afford to file a two or three days leave due to work, but he convinced her that it’ll be possible using his private jet.

“What have you’ve done to that geezer why he still has this grudge on you?”

“I told you, we have reconciled years ago when I brought that coffee plantation he eyed for a long time. Besides, I don’t think I’m the one who triggered him but you.”

Roarke remembered how the Don and his wife eyed each other like sworn enemies, as if they have met a long time ago. Eve was like a wolf that wouldn’t back down even until the Don mentioned her most-sensitive case.

“That old geezer had talked about McQueen’s case all over again, and he’s pissing me off.”

“You’re making me jealous.”, he teased as he maneuvered the car to the right alley. While stirring the wheels by his left hand, he fiddled the nav-screen by his right, locating the GPS of their pursuers.

So far, a few armored cars, motorbikes and a helicopter were on their trail.

“What are you doing?”, he asked when Eve unbuckled her seatbelt and crawled at the backseat.

“I don’t want to sit tight there while you’re playing the hero.”, she answered.

She had her stunner holstered on her legs, but it was for short range. So she looked around whatever scraps she could use until she raised the seat compartment and found heavy-loaded firearms.

“Do you normally carry machine guns in your vehicle?”, she exclaimed.

“We couldn’t predict the apocalypse. And there’s your field kit – quite handy for our DBs”

“Don’t get cute with me, Ace. Predicting that something like this would happen?”

“No, with all honesty, but for contingency plan.”

Eve only groaned. She knew that these were high-powered weapons, and God knows if these were legally licensed or not. She’s already familiar with its automation as she often practiced some of its units during her leisure time.

Roarke adjusted her rear mirror to see Eve in her evening gown holding a shotgun and a sniper. She tapped the side window, opened it, and aimed a gun to a running bike. She successfully hit its gears, made it collide with the other armoured vehicle. The impact created a huge explosion.

She tapped the ceiling window to open and readied her sniper.

“I take it back.”, Roarke blurted.


“The one I mentioned long ago, how we’ll never worked out if we became partners in crime. It proved me wrong. Should we met back in the day, I’m definitely sure, I’ll be head over heels for you.”

“Bite me.”, she replied grinning as she gunned the helicopter’s spotlight.

Mafia in Death - an In Death series fanfic (J.D. Robb)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें