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A/N: Thanks so much for the votes and comments so far guys! I recieved much more than I expected, really. They mean a lot!!  Instant happiness hehe (:


Another Lifetime

Chapter 3

I think I'm dreaming. I'm not sure. It's one of those dreams that feel so real. Like the ones of where you're falling.

Though, I'm not sure whether it's a dream or me re-living a long lost memory

No. It has to be a dream. I'm not old yet.

I looked at my hands. My boney, wrinkled old hands. My brows furrowed in confusion. I touched my face and it had a rugged texture. I looked at my surroundings. I was in The House.

But everything looked…fresh and new. Still old somewhat, but not as much as it was when I last went. There was no covers on anything and everything was clean.

Nothing creaked, not even the stairs as I got up. I looked at my shoes and my long skirt as it swayed with my movements.

It looked so old fashioned. I looked up once I saw the end of the stairs and went straight to the window room. It doesn't look so creepy here in the dream. It actually looked like a beautiful vintage.

I spotted the location where the hidden door was and wanted to see what the hidden door hid, but my body went to the room. And stood by the window, heading to the rocking chair to just sit there. Waiting. Always waiting.

What the hell was, or am I waiting for?

Then I saw him. The man in the picture. He looked up from the walkway and smiled as he headed to the front door. I smiled back and waved happily. I was going to run down the stairs to meet him but something caught my eye. I turned back and looked at myself closely. I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I was an old lady. I ran in horror to the door. But the man is young wasn't he? I yanked it open and there was no one there…

A wind breeze blew and it hit my face, chilling me and whirling my hair.

"And your promise?" I said softly as my lips barely moved.

I felt alone, old and abandoned just like the house.


I woke up quickly and immediately touched my face. It was smooth and soft. And young. I was still young! I got up, my mind spinning a little from a sleepy haze and looked in the mirror. I blinked away some more sleep and confirmed it. Young, far from being that old in my dream. Whew.

That dream was strange…Stupid House. I should have never gone in it. It surely triggered the dream.

But now I'm so curious about that secret door…not even in my dream I went in it. My imagination probably can't think of what's in there. What can be? Mice? Ha. It seems so secret though.

I went to the bathroom and splashed water in my face to shake of the feeling that dream left. Why was I old?

Hmmm, now that I think of it, I had that dream before. The first time I saw the house when my family just moved here when I was little. Or moved back, but with me.

Anyway, I told my dad, "Daddy I had a dream that I looked like grandma." as I rubbed my eye and yawned. I had been sleeping on the living room floor.

He laughed half- heartedly. My grandma just died back then. She left us the house and we moved in.

"You'll look like that one day, years and years from now. If you live long enough."

I frowned and stated, "I don't wanna look like that! Grandma has to stay like that forever and I'll stay like this while she makes me cookies!"

Another LifetimeWhere stories live. Discover now