Chapter 12: Reunited

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I'm starting to lose it when Jake comes in "thank goodness" I said throwing my arms around him. 

"Sorry Bells" he said into my hair I reach up and kiss him for a minute. 

"Where's Edward?" Alice asks 

"And what happened" Jasper asks

Jake starts explaining. I'm only half listening I squeeze Jake's hand to let him know I'm going to talk to Edward. He squeezes back then I slip out of the house, I stand on the porch for a while. I can see the outline of him in Jake's car. I guess Jake told him everything, Jake's not one to keep secrets. I take a deep breath and walk over to the car I get in and sit. I don't look at him for about five minutes; when I finally do he's looking down at his hands. 

"Hi" I said it was the only thing that came to mind and after I say it I feel stupid. 

"Hi" he said 

"I missed you" I said 

"I missed you too" he said. "Bella I'm so sorry"

He finally looks up at me he looks just like I remembered; it's strange I thought I would feel happy. I feel kind of angry actually; but the anger fades as quickly as it came. 

"So I guess Jake told you how I was when you left" I said

"Yes" he said

"Why'd you come back?" I ask 

"I just – I needed to see you" he said

. I sit there a little surprised after a while I say "why now after all this time?" 

"Because I couldn't bear it anymore" he said

I can feel the tears coming but I hold them back. "So what are you going to do now?" I ask him 

"I'm not leaving until Victoria is dealt with" 

"And after that?" I ask

"I don't know I've always liked Forks maybe I'll stay" he said. 

"I think I'd like that, I mean I'm with Jake but maybe we could be friends" I said to him. 

"I'd rather be your friend than be nothing at all" he said giving my favorite crooked smile. 

"Are you going to come inside?" I ask he takes a deep breath 

"I guess I should" he said

We both get out and go inside Alice hugs Edward and asks if he's okay. We talk about what happened to Edward while he was watching Ang and I. It seems like Victoria is just screwing with us; Ang and Alice decide to sleep over. While Jasper, Edward, and Jake stand guard outside; the night was happily uneventful. I spend most of the day trying to figure out how to tell Jake something. 

I've been thinking about since the night after Ang told me her secret and Jake and I almost. I can't even believe I'm able to think about this especially with Edward back. But it's pretty much all I can think about. So I talk to Ang about it at lunch.

"Do you really think you're ready for that?" she asks me. 

"Surprisingly yes" I said 

"Sex is a serious thing Bella, have you been taking the pill?" she said. 

I try not to look as embarrassed as I am, but I should be able to say and hear the word sex without blushing. "Yea ever since that night" I said 

"Well then the only thing left to do is to talk to Jake" she said.

 "How?" I ask 

"Whenever you and Jake get some alone time" she replies. 

"Alright I'll try today since everyone is busy" I said as we get up to leave.

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