Chapter 4: Jitters

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I wake up to the familiar feeling of being in a hospital bed. I look at my arm and it has tubes in it. I look at my other arm and I have a cast on my wrist, I slowly try to sit up. I let out a hiss of pain when I realize sitting up is a bad idea. I look around and see Jake and my dad knocked out. They're sitting in some uncomfortable looking hospital chairs. Jake is the closest to me and his head is resting on the bed. I smile and run my fingers through his hair. He moves a little then lifts his head.

"Hey sleepy head" I said to him. 

He shot up "Bella!" he said 

"Hi" I said weakly 

"How long have I been out?" I ask him. 

"You were in and out all night. We tried to keep you awake because you have a minor concussion" he said. 

"What else is wrong with me?" I ask 

"Well your wrist is broken, you have a couple of bruised ribs, and a few cuts and bruises" he said trying to stay calm. 

"Great" I said sarcastically "how'd Charlie take it?" I ask looking at Charlie. 

"He's okay, I guess he would have been angrier if they hadn't caught the guy" Jake said. 

"They did?" I said surprised 

"Yea Charlie chased him down and arrested him" he said sitting back down. Then Charlie wakes up 

"Bella?" he said rubbing his eyes 

"Yea dad I'm awake" I said, he walks over to me and carefully hugs me. 

"You okay?" he asks 

"Yea I'm okay" I said as he pulls away, when he does I can see that his eyes are puffy. 

Charlie asked me a bunch of questions about what happened last night. After he was finished he left. He went to the police station to fill out a police report. A minute or two after he left Alice and Jasper came into the room. 

"Oh Bella I'm so sorry I-I didn't see it in time" she said looking like she was going to cry. 

"It's okay Alice" I said trying to calm her down 

"Do you know why this guy attacked you?" Jasper asked. 

"He um... he said he was a friend of Victoria" I said Jake stiffened next to me

"Victoria?" Alice said 

"Yea that's what he said" I tell them. 

"Why would a human be helping Victoria?" Jasper asks 

"Beats me" I said Jake shifted in his seat 

"What's wrong Jacob?" Jasper asks him. He must have felt something off of him.

"Nothing it's just... I overheard Charlie and some of the other officers talking about the attacker" he said. "When they were questioning him he didn't even remember attacking her. He doesn't even know how he got to Forks. The guy lives in D.C." Jake explains. 

"Well that's weird" I said

"What does it mean though?" Alice said looking at Jasper 

"Maybe... maybe she knows a vampire with a special skill" I said. 

"Like a mind controlling ability?" Alice said questioningly 

"If that's true than we're in trouble" Jasper said

"Did he say anything else?" Jake asks me 

"No" I said shaking my head

The four of us talked about this new info for a while. Later on Jake called Seth so he could tell the pack about our theory. Apparently Seth and Leah had joined the pack sometime after their dad died. Angela and Eric came to visit me, Leah and Seth stopped by too. Jake didn't leave my side all day and Charlie was in and out. 

Mostly because the whole station was baffled by my attacker, he honestly has no memory of attacking me. And he had no reason to do it in the first place. They put him through a lie detector test and everything. Charlie said they're transferring him to a mental facility upstate. I have to stay in the hospital again tonight. 

The doctor wanted to make sure my head injury was healed, I had to practically throw Charlie out. He was exhausted, hungry and I'm pretty sure he hasn't changed since yesterday. Jake on the other hand is more stubborn. 

"Oh come on Jake it can't be comfortable sleeping in that hard chair" I said. 

"It's not that bad" he insists 

"Jake I'm in a hospital what could possibly happen?" I said. 

"Are you seriously asking that question with your luck" he said in twining his fingers with mine. We both laughed.

"I promise to stay out of trouble and you can come back first thing in the morning" I said. He thought about it for a minute. 

"I guess it would be nice to sleep in my own bed" he said. After a minute he sighed "fine but I'll be back first thing in the morning" he said.

"Deal" I said leaning over and kiss him "bye" 

"See you in the morning" Jake said

He kisses me one more time then leaves, not too soon after he left I drift off to sleep. Sometime in the middle of the night I felt like someone was in my room. I felt cold fingers caressing my face and I bolted up in my bed almost yanking the IV out of my arm. I look around but I don't see anyone I wipe sweat off of my forehead and take a deep breath. I shake it off and chalked it up as paranoia, I tried to go back to sleep. It takes a while but I finally fall asleep again. 

In the morning Jake and Charlie came to take me home. The doctor tells Charlie that I'm okay but that I should rest for a few days. The doctor gives me some pain meds in case anything started hurting. I feel pretty good except for my side, my ribs must be pretty badly bruised. When we get home I settle in on the couch, Charlie reluctantly goes to go work. 

Jake stays and waits on me hand and foot, after a few hours Angela and Eric come over. Angela wanted to drop off my homework, we talk in the living room while Eric and Jake chatted in the kitchen. 

"Um Bella do you think we could go to your room and talk?" Angela asks me 

"Uh sure" I said "help me up?"

"Oh should you even be moving?" she asks me. 

"Yea I'm fine to walk even though Jake won't like it" I said as she helps me up. 

"Hey what are you doing up?!" Jake said as we past the kitchen. 

"Relax Jake we're just going to my room" I tell him as we head up the stairs. 

When we get to my room Angela closes the door and I sit on my bed. Angela paces for a few minutes. "Ang what is it?" I ask after a while.

"I... I just don't know how to say this" she said tucking a strand of hair behind her hair. 

"Ang just spit it out" I said she takes a deep breath and tells me.

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