Reasons Why Harry Potter Is Better

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2. The characters have flaws unlike Twilight. Twilight characters are all perfect. Harry is impatient sometimes and Ron (in Hermione's words) has the emotional range of a tea-spoon.

3. On Bella's first day she had 5 different guys falling in love with her. With HP, they had to sort of prove themselves to the girls (if you know what i mean)

4. Hermione teaches us girls to be brave and confident. Bella tries to teach us girls that you can't be complete without a boyfriend.

5. It's not a love story

6. Rowling made up a whole new world (not saying she made up London but Hogwarts!). Meyer used and already existing place. i.e No Imagination

7. It's a "show, not tell" type of book.

8. Characters don't imprint on a baby!

9. Harry has to make sacrifises for the good things in life. Whereas Bella it just gets given to her. Example: Harry risks his life to save the world and works for the stuff he wants where as Bella lets her sparkling gay fairy to do everything and to give her everything.

10. Does it ever mention Harry becoming a pedophile and watching Ginny in his sleep? So why the heck is Edward one?

11. Harry doesn't abandon his friends when he meets Ginny and Cho but Bella abandons her friends when she meets Edward and even Jacob.

12. No stupid love triangles. (Harry, Ron, Hermione doesn't count and the Krum, Harry, Hermione is fake made up by Rita Skeeter.)

13. They have more interesting names (Albus Dumbledore, Severus Snape, Voldemort > James, Bella, Laruen.

14. Twilight is sexist. By publishing this book Meyer is saying us girls should submit to the superiority of men and she is trying to turn the world back to when women had equal rights as men in 1901. Harry Potter shows that girls can be awesome on their own (Hermione, Ginny, Luna, need I go on!?)

15. The Cullens are immortal. So they decided to repeat Year 12 for f***ing 100 years! Don't they have anything better than go to school, top the classes and make everyone else feel stupid?

16. It's realistic when i comes to schoolwork. The books show everyone studying for their classes but somehow Bella manages to pass school without studing...

17. 2 words. Puppet. Show.

18. Lily, James, Snape, Dumbledore, Lupin, Tonks, Dobby, Mad-Eye, Collin, Fred and so many others died to make the world a better place. Bella hides behind her sparkling boyfriend and makes him do all the work which is nothing.

19. "A dream inspired me to write Twilight" I don't think someone drunk could come up with something as crazy as sparkling fairies.

20. The werewolves aren't even wolves, just shapeshifters who happen to be wolves? Why?!

21. When Harry leaves Ginny for her protection she continues with DA and helps save the wizarding world. When Edward leaves Bella for her protection she goes into months of depression (which wastes 4 valuable pages by saying the months on each one) and tries to kill herself just so she can see Edward.

22. You can fall in love with their chartacters by their personality and not by how hot they are *cough* twilight *cough*

23. Twi-Hards judge Potterheads and call us geeks when all they are just a bunch of girls who think they are like bella and wait for their "Edward" to come along and wisk them away and live a perfect live.

24. They learn interesting subjects like Herbology, Care for Magical Creatures, Defence Against the Dark Arts unlike English, Maths, Biology, P.E.

25. It's a better storyline.

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