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Hey again! So far I haven't gotten much homework so I have been able to continue! I don't own these characters/reasons. Oh and my computer is finally working again so I can use bold. Sorry about before!

41. Alice Cullen. She is just awesome! She would probably be considered as the "Luna" in Twilight. Am I right? Alice would be the perfect sister. She would make anyone smile if they had a bad day.

I admit Alice is a pretty cool and bubbly character who would make someone smile but HOW DARE YOU COMPARE HER TO LUNA! LUNA IS UNIQUE AND AWESOME IN HER OWN WAY AND IS NOTHING LIKE ALICE!!

42 All four Twilight books made us teary eyed. As for Harry Potter, some parts made us sad and a little teary, but Twilight was the one that really made us teary. Happy tears and sad tears.

Teary eyed?! Seriously?! I had to keep drinking coffee to keep myself awake while reading Twilight. When Fred and Dobby died I was crying like there was no tomorrow!

43 The Twilight books were so amazing! We just could not put them down at all! For Harry Potter, some of the books we could not put down, but others made us a bit sleepy.

Yeah umm... I started drooling on one cause I fell asleep on top of it. At 7:00 pm. The book was sooooo boring where as Harry Potter dad would be tugging it out of my hands before dinner because I was obsessed!

44. When was the last time that love was explainable? Have you ever met someone and just had that inexplicable connection right away - that weird zest, that baffling spark, the mystifying fireworks? Have you ever been struck by how Mr./Miss New Guy/Girl in Your Life seems perfectly tailored for you and only you? Have you ever gotten the butterflies for no good reason over someone? Ever gotten the wind knocked out of you; been afraid you might just suddenly die if you can't see the New Guy/Girl again, and soon?


It's chemistry, folks. Some sort of connection has zapped both Bella and Edward in a spine-tingling type of way. Also, Edward's been alone for over 100 years, so presumably he's not making a rash decision by picking Bella

He had been alone for 100 years! So, like Bella, he decides the first girl he meets is his true love?!

45. When the Harry Potter movies began, it was slowly becoming popular. When the Twilight movies began, they instantly popular.

Again, I have never heard of twilight before the movies. So many people grew up with Harry Potter and the movies made it more popular!

46.The Volturi. REALISTIC Villains, instead of insane freaks in cloaks, like Voldemort and the Death Eaters

If I had just 50 cents every time I have heard this reason, I would have $10'000! The Volturi are insane freaks in cloaks!

47. Sirius Black can turn into a great, black dog, Peter Pettigrew can turn into a rat, James Potter can turn into a stag, Remus Lupin a werewolf, Rita Skeeter can turn into a beetle and Minerva Mcgonagall can turn into a cat. How scary is that?? Not at all. A Twilight shapeshifter would OWN all of them. :)

Okay then. I'd like to see you in a room with them all, insult them by what you just said and see if you would survive!

48. All the Twilight books get right into the plot. While the first few Harry Potter books are boring and slow.

Classify straight to the plot? Do you mean straight to begging to be a sparkling fairy and wanting to have sex?

49. The HP books are also all depressing. Lots of good characters die, which isn't cool. And they're just full of violence, and ridiculous plans

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