Twi-Hard Reasons

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Sorry, I am typing this on my iPod so there isn't any bold or italics.

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Harry Potter characters or Twilight characters. These are also not my reasons, I found them off various websites.

I think it will be easy enough to figure which reason comes from which fandom. Also, some of my reasons might only be three words long and some might be a paragraph long.

~(writing)~ = my response


1. Stephenie Meyer writes that the only thing that can kill a vampire is another vampire or a werewolf. Since Edward is a vampire created by Meyer, we can use her written characteristics and apply them to Harry Potter. Since Harry Potter is neither vampire nor wolf, this means that Harry Potter could not kill Edward and Edward would win.

~Are you saying "The Boy Who Lived", who defeated the most evil wizard in the world can not deftest a pesky little sparkling fairy?!~

2. Twilight led to many other supernatural romances in books and tv shows.

~That just shows it isn't unique like Harry Potter because people can use the exact same idea without getting called for it.~

3. You can relate to Bella, not because she's a vampire or werewolf; she is just like any other girl. She is not "the chosen one." She is clumsy, makes good grades, has just the right amount of friends, doesn't like hanging out with her parents much, she is average looking, she likes to read books, she is not the sporty type, etc. Many of Twilight's readers say that the main reason they enjoy Twilight is because they can relate to Bella.

~So.. It's absolutely common to have a gay fairy and an animagi (I know they aren't called this in the Twilight book but they are practically are animagus), have insane freaks in cloaks come after you and then have your child ripped from your womb by your husband's teeth. Very normal (note sarcasm)~

4. Unlike Harry, nobody's thoughts are actually that deep or intellectual. I bet if any of us published our thoughts into a book, none would be great English lit; Bella's thoughts are more realistic

~Yeah okay, I'd admit some of Harry's thoughts aren't exactly normal but they are closer to normal that Bella's.

Example: I'm Bella. I love Edward. Edward is a vampire. I want to f*** Edward. I love Edward. I love Edward. Notice a pattern here?~

5. Harry and Edward have a lot of similarities.

They're brave, smart, rich, and rather fantastical. I love them both, but I'd have to pick Edward as the better boyfriend.

Talk about a tortured soul. His love for Bella is all-consuming and so intense; it could be a little scary and stalkerish if his intentions weren't so pure. He's a true gentleman who bites a pillow instead of Bella during an intimate moment. He can read everyone's minds except Bella's, so he can tell her that "Yes, everyone in this room thinks those pants make your butt look big." Edward has lived over a century, is incredibly well-read and well-traveled, and doesn't need to sleep. He also takes care of your every need, even getting you your first deer and breaking its neck for you, so you just have to drink its blood

Edward is so hot, even though he's so cold. He's a better dresser, able to wear hip and edgy Muggle clothing without being encumbered by a robe. And let's face it, Edward in that black suit at the prom beats out Harry in his dress robes, by a long shot. He's tall and lean, and though both guys have famously messy hair, Edward's is unkempt in that sexy oversexed kind of way (even though he's the original 108-year-old virgin). He's also inhumanly beautiful and has that mysterious, brooding aura that chicks just can't resist. He also won't age, and he can make it so you don't age either. Who needs wrinkle cream when you can be undead forever?

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