Stupid reasons 21-40

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Ummm... Hi, these are some more reasons/ responses. I don't own these reasons or characters... This chapter may include sexual references/swearing, ~(my response)~ and anything else I didn't include in this small paragraph from the last chapter.

21. Both Edward and Harry have some powers that are different from most of the other characters. Some have the same power. Edward can read minds. Harry can talk to snakes. We think that if we had to choose between talking to snakes, or reading minds, we would choose to read minds. :) It would be cool to see what others are thinking!

~I would want to talk to snakes actually. I mean it would be cool to be able to talk to snakes and in the town I live in we get so many snakes that if you want to talk to someone you could talk to them.~

22. If it WASN'T Twilight and all the "Vampire Fever" as some called it, Vampire Diaries probably wouldn't even be on TV. Its cause of Twilight, the Vampire theme is back and all over in the entertainment industry. Even the cast of VD, Paul, said that the show's success is to some degree cause of what Twilight has created. If the cast knows that and says that during interviews, than everyone in the cast should say it openly too cause its TRUE. If the director of Vampire Diaries thought it could be very successful, they would have done the TV Series before Twilight came out or make a move out of it before Twilight as well. Harry Potter did not trigger a new tv show or movie, when all of the movies came out. Same goes for the books.

~Harry Potter didn't trigger anything because it is so unique that the only way to use it would be to copy it and then people would pick up on it. Unfortunately, VD fans are usually Twilight fans because it is the same story line but with different characters and most people are too stupid to pick up on it.~

23. We Twilight fans like and appreciate the fact that the vampires and werewolves in Twilight aren't anything like the one's from before. To us, it's a nice take on the vampire and werewolf concept. Unlike in Harry Potter, where the vampires are rarely mentioned and werewolves are like the ones from books and things we've read before, Stephenie Meyer has a different take on what vampires and werewolves are in her books. We're not saying that she's right. It's just a different spin on an old concept.

~Yeah um... she had taken a different idea for vampires and werewolves and made it so stupid that no-one wants to ever use it again.~

24. Love at first sight is possible, in books, movies, and real life. Twilight let's some readers believe it is possible. We do believe in love at first sight. :) It has happened before in real life, and it is sweet. :)

~No, love at first sight does not happen at first sight. Every single person I know waits until they know the guy and 9 out of 10 times he is a jerk anyway. ~

25. Twilight fans can read Twilight over and over again. It's not difficult to read and that's part of the appeal. Harry Potter isn't difficult to read as well. But with Twilight, people can use it as an escape from their lives for awhile because of the simplicity of the writing style. We know that it's not perfect writing. Please give us some sort of credit. At least were reading books. Twilight, no matter what a person has to say about it, has gotten girls reading again. That's something to be encouraged, not frowned upon

~Yeah but Harry Potter got girls and guys reading again. I know this really nice, dorky but cute guy who when I introduced him to Harry Potter he fell in love with it and then moved onto other stuff like Lord of The Rings and Skulduggery Pleasent. And the day I find a HP fan who can read Twilight over and over, I will... not read harry potter for an entire year. And that would be extremely hard.~

26. But it is the rare vampire novel that isn't about sex on some level, and the Twilight books are no exception. What makes Meyer's books so distinctive is that they're about the erotics of abstinence. Their tension comes from prolonged, superhuman acts of self-restraint. There's a scene midway through Twilight in which, for the first time, Edward leans in close and sniffs the aroma of Bella's exposed neck. "Just because I'm resisting the wine doesn't mean I can't appreciate the bouquet," he says. "You have a very floral smell, like lavender ... or freesia." He barely touches her, but there's more sex in that one paragraph than in all the snogging in Harry Potter.

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