Chapter 16: Hanging out with Sonic EXE

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Ashley's pov:

The wind blew in the peaceful night as I laid down my head in Sonic's chest, hearing his heartbeat as he was asleep soundly. I smiled at the memory that had happened today..


It was another morning as I woke up to shouting downstairs. Yawning sleepy, I got up and did my routine. After I was refreshed, I put on some nice black jeans and a white shirt that said "Catch Me Outside" with a video gameboy on it. I let my hair dry and put on my shoes on. 

After that, I went downstairs to see a sight: Jeff was chasing BEN around the living room, Jack was eating his Kidneys, Masky & Hoodie eating cheesecake, Toby eating waffles, and Sally playing with her dolls. Slenderman was in the kitchen cooking breakfast as well. Waving goodmorning to them, I took a seat and grab my plate of breakfast, which it was bacon, eggs, waffles, and a cup of milk. 

After eating, I clean up and helped Slendy with the kitchen, while he stopped Jeff and BEN from chasing each other.  Sighing, I decide to see what Tails and Sonic were doing, so I went back upstairs to their room. 

Sonic and Tails were playing video games when they saw me. "Oh hey Ash, what brings you here??" Tails said as his red eyes bore into my eyes. I can tell from the look on Sonic's face he was jealous of Tails as he blushed. 

"Oh Hey Tails and Sonic. I just came to see what you up too." I said, smiling at them. After chatting with them, Tails went to get something, so it was me and Sonic. 

"So...." I said, sitting there awkwardly as I can feel my cheeks redden. Sonic said nothing, but looked away as well. I felt.. I felt like I was in love with Sonic.. I thought to myself. Finally sonic had the courage to speak. 

"U-Umm.. Ash.. Do y-you wanna take a walk??" Sonic said as his cheeks were red. I giggled as he looked away, his cheeks blushed harder as I smiled. "Hehe. there's no need to look away... I can tell you like me.." I said, smiling. Now it was my turn to blush as he smiled, like he actually smiled. 

"Hehe... yea." He smiled and hold my hand. I blushed and smiled at him. He smirked. "I wanted to show you something." He pulled me to his arms and teleported us to a beautiful part of the forest near the mansion. There stood a large willow tree with small flowers bloomed and its petals shining and beautiful. He smiled at me as he took me to the tree. "This is where i mostly relax whenever i'm bored." He said as I looked at the tree in awe. The branches stood as tall as skyscrapers. It was like I was connected to nature. 

We both sat down by the branches, watching the sky as well. We chatted and laughed as he made jokes. "Oh Ash, watch this." He then whistled, and out came lots of butterflies, flying around the trees. I looked in awe as the butterflies flew around the trees, creating a tornado full of color. One butterfly stood out the rest of them as it was a dark blue with white and purple wings. It flew towards me and it landed on my finger, causing me to giggle as it crawled on my finger. 

I looked at the butterfly in awe and beauty as it was amazing to look  at. Sonic smiled and watched me as the butterfly flew off my finger and landed on my hair, turning into a rose. I looked at the rose in amazement and awe as well. Sonic took out the rose and put it where the side of my hair was. I blushed, my heart beating faster at sonic's touch. 

*These feelings... I... I think I like him...* I thought to myself as I smiled in glee. "This is so amazing Sonic... Thank you." I said to him, and smiled as his red eyes bore into my eyes. Then we leaned in closer... and closer.. until our lips were connected. The kiss was amazing, so passionate and full of love. After about a minute or so, we ended the kiss, love bore into our eyes as I smiled. "Ashley.... ever since I first saw you... I had a crush on you.. You... are the most beautiful person I know. You have a brave soul and a pure heart.. You been through so much, and yet, you survived it one by one.. So... would you, Ashley, be my girlfriend??" Sonic said, taking out a deligant rose. 

I smiled and pulled him into a passionate kiss. His eyes widen at the movement I did, but he kissed me back as I wrap my arms around his neck. I ended the kiss, and smiled. "Of course I would." I said, and I cuddled in sonic's arms...

Sonic's Pov: 

As I looked down into Ashley, I smiled as she fell asleep. Her soft hair and her sweet eyes were beautiful, and I was glad she became my girlfriend. When I first saw her, I was angry that people would do such a thing to her. I wanted to kill those who had made her suffer. I wanted to protect her the best as i can. As I looked at her, sleeping in my arms, I smiled at her calmness and beauty. She was mine, and will always be my everything. I looked at the sky to see it was getting dark, and I got up, carrying her in my arms. She slept peacefully as she cuddled into my chest, and I chuckled at her cuteness. 

Finally, I teleported to the house, and went to my room. I set her down on my bed, and laid down next to her as she slept peacefully, her head laid on my chest. Smiling, I kissed her forehead, and she did the most cutest yawn I ever heard. I smiled at her cuteness and hugged her like as if she was my life. I finally closed my eyes, and went to a peaceful sleep... 

End of Flashback...)

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