High school love(chapter2)

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while school got in my way so this will be chapter 2 then chapter 3 then I will publish it sorry for the coincidence !:(

I went to class to pack up my things to go home I felt terrible like I was a little sick...from love. I know it sounds a little weird but I think I like...Harry?! I said to myself. So now I don't know what to do though?, I mean like if you like someone how do you get into a relatio- "Hello" A deep voice interupted my thoughts, before I could finish my sentence Harry made me jump he put his arms on my hips. "Crap! You have got to stop doing that to me!" "Sorry" Harry had whispered to me.

Loren's POV

"So what are you doing today after school?" He asked me. "Nothing much, why?"I said. "Oh I was just wondering if you wanted to go out to the beach with my friends & I ?, Soo what do you think ?" "Um, well I guess I could go?" "YES, so we're leaving in 2 hours ,bye!" "bye?" I said . I was really confused first it was fall, and second why on a school day???:(

Harry's POV

As I walked away from Loren I could see that she had no idea of what to bring and how to act. But I bet that Eleanor is going to help her figure something out.

So I went to my house and was slowly getting ready. by the time I got home we only had 1 hour to leave. It looks nice out when it's getting dark out that's why I made it and 3:30 I was waiting for a call or text from Eleanor,Louis, Zayn ,Perrie,Liam,Niall, and Loren as I was scamming through my thoughts I got a message from Eleanor,Louis, Zayn ,Perrie,Liam,Niall all of them except for Loren then I remembered that she didn't have my number and i never gave it to her,then I read Eleanor's text "Hey I'm getting ready with Loren for the beach we will be there 5 min's after you arrive,bye:)!" When I finished reading that text I had got my stuff and left the house cause half an hour had already pasted!

Loren's POV

"Ok,try this on!" Eleanor was trying to get me to put on a bathing suit. "Ok, but I am really insecure about my body so if it looks bad I will rip it off!" I said. "Fine" El said. I went to the bathroom and locked the door to try on the leapord print 2 price bathing suit it had like a V-shaped strap over the neck it looked pretty nice actually. "ARE YOU DONE IN THERE!" "I guess?I don't know if it looks nice though?!" I opened the door Els jaw dropped,"OMG, for a girl who feels insecure about her body this is HOT on you!!" she said. "ok fine I will wear it" I said . "Before we go I will make your hair!" So she took a hair elastic and made a messy bun, btw, that looked really nice for a messy bun! OK WE'RE ALREADY LATE LETS GO,GO,GO,GO,GO!!" she yelled.

At the beach...

So when we made it to the beach Me and El could see the boys and Perrie wave to use we politely waved back.I just wore a long nude colored peachy dress and some sandals with my bathing suit underneath ,and El wore a black & white zebra print 2 peice, with a long pink dress and sandals. As me and Eleanor came to the boys Harry said "what took you 2 so long?" "nothing" me and El said at the same time "jinx!" we said at the same time "you owe me a soda!" we also said at the same time "here" i said passing her a Pepsi bottle from the mini fridge. "thanx!"she chuckled. "SO LETS GO SWIMMING!!" Louis yelled. "YEAH!" we replied. "I'm going to the bathroom" I said "me to" El said "bye" the boys replied."Ok let's have on our bathing suits now!"

"So how is the relationship going on between you and Harry!!"El said changing the topic but taking off her clothes having on her bathing suit underneath. "WHAT?! There is no relationship going on between us!"I said "Harry thinks so! he always talks about you when you go to work!"

"Really?" I said "yeah?! He talks about how cute and sweet and pretty you are!" How did you not notice?!" El said. "Well I guess I kinda did but there is no boyfriend and girlfriend thing yet" I said. "YOU SAID YET!!" El squealed,"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHH!!!" . "What is going on in there?" Liam said to the others. "Girl stuff probably!?" Harry said."sound's like Eleanor screaming!" the boys all laughed. "What's so funny?" I said walking out of the bathroom/changing stall turning to El seeing the boys jaws drop as they looked at me. "Idk, let's ask Liam? What's so funny?" "well.. uh... Um ... You.. I'Im not sure?" he said stuttering. "MAN UP DUDE!" Louis said to Liam. "We heard you guys screaming in the bathroom?"Louis said. "Ohhhh" , El and I said laughing. "What was that all about?"Harry said to me & El."We were just taking about 'Harry(You)."a I whispered because I didn't really want him to know that we were talking about him . "What did you say?" Harry said with his deep voice. "Nothing"I said in a quick second. "Please, Come on, spill!! "Never in your Wildest dreams!" I said. "Ok, fine." Harry said. "So, when are you gonna tell one of my friends?" He said. "What do you mean? I said. "we'll you usually you tell one of my friends before you tell me?!" "No!",i said, "really?"Harry said. "Well?,no,maybe,so?" " come on"Harry said. "fine, maybe I do!" Ok, so tell me pleaasssssse?!" "FINE!" Me & El told the boys. "LISTEN! So if you really want to know ,fine! El was just talking about Harry and I ,and I said that we aren't going to get in a relationship yet and she screamed?!" "There happy now!?" I said "not quite?, And what did you say?" "nothing I just rolled my eyes" I said. "K, cool." lets go to the water now!!" Harry yelled. "come on Lor!" Harry called my name and I came running towards him. " I never told you how pretty you look in a bathing suit!" "thanx" I said he moved a thin piece of my hair behind my ear as I looked down to my feet.

"HEY WATCH OUT!!" As I looked up to see Harry , Louis was going to dump a bucket of water over his head but before He could I moved him away, because everyone knows that Harry doesn't like when people touch his hair or soak it without permission."Woah!" I said "that was close to landing on your head!" I said. " thanx! that was a close on!" "Can you exuse me for just a moment please?" "K" I said as I saw Harry run after Louis to try and get him back."hahaha!" I just stood there laughing.

Harry's POV

"Hey" Harry said to me when he came back from chasing Louis as he see saw me laughing a little "what's so funny?" "You guys chasing each other with buckets of water!" I said laughing.

Loren's POV

As we spent the afternoon having fun at the beach we still had school tommorow! which was terrible. We all went home and had fun. when I went to bed I remembered I hadn't gotten Harry's number and could not call him over the phone. When I went to bed I got a text fromEl 'hey, girly!Harry wanted me to tell you that he misses you and wishes to do it again next time!.' 'Aww that's so cute tell him I do to it was fun!:)' I texted. So after that I couldn't keep my eyes opened ,so I had to fall asleep.


"Hey honey morning time for school." I could here my mom trying to get me up from bed. "what time is it?"I asked. "7:34" "Shoot, I have to go now!" "Why are you in such a rush today?" my mom asked. "I really don't know?" I lied to be honest it's Harry, I have to see him why? I guess I just miss him. I have never met a guy that I have talked to as much as Harry?

"Mom what did you make for breakfast?" I said."PANCAKES!" she said joyfully."Yes!" I replied brushing my teeth. "your bus will be late today it will come at 8:40? is that alright" "yeah" i said.

I came downstairs to sit on the Long Island and ate my pancakes, I put some whipping cream on my pancakes and strawberries! 'yum' I said.

"So are they good?!" mom asked. "Delicious!" "that's good!"

After I had finished breakfast I ran to the door and put on my black boots and leather jacket for clothes, I wore like a thin nude colored blouse with my favorite black jeans! "BYE MOM, LOVE YOU!" I yelled from downstairs my mom said bye and I left for school. I brought all my homework and my beanie was in my bag then,I opened it up and took out a grayish black beanie and put it on my head.

I came on the bus and guess who I saw..El I went up to her "hey El!" I said. She looked up from her phone. "hey Loren come sit down!" "sooo anything exciting happening?" "not really?" "mhhm? for sure?" No seriously!" Harry didn't ask

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