werewolf coma ??

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I sat there pulling and pulling as hard as I possibly could I knew if I didn't break free I would be made into a can of werewolf meat. My hands sat sweating and swollen from all the pulling it was hotter than hades in that room. All of the sudden I heard voices not saying I'm crazy I met down the hall heard ade and Brett talking. " brett." I screamed at the top of my lungs. But he didn't come to the door then I heard a voice in my head saying I'm right here. I started to freak out saying I'm not crazy over and over again. I heard foot steps coming up the stairs my heart starred to bang against my chest my conscience was tell my to break free and bust the window and get out of there. But my brain knew I phiscally couldnt. The door nob starts to turn I'm heart sinks to my stomach lake a rock thrown in a crisp cool lake on a fall day. The mysterious shadow walks in and I blurt out "what do want ? i don't have any thing let me go ! " I said  the tears of being afraid run down my face and along with sweat runing along the edge of my hair. " alex it me Brett I don't know if you can hear because your in like a supernatural coma and it will go away soon but I want to let you know your okay...." said Brett stroking my hair " Derek come quick." Said Brett and Derek barges in the room like a robber he pushed the door so he hard I felt the gust of the wind from it on my soggy face from all the tears. You could hear the wind braking then the door handle made dent in my wall.       " what is it is she awake." Said Derek
" I don't know there just a bunch of tears and sweat lots of tears though. "  Said Brett " all go call Ashley. "  Said Derek running down the stairs he ran so fast that he made the world spin and he could control his landing at the end of the stairs he tripped on the last step. " brett ." I said " Derek she's awake. "  Said Brett  then I heard tumbling then a crash it was derek running up the stairs like crazy. " alex I'm so sorry." Derek said looking down at the bite on my side. " did - did you do this to me." I said " no i'll will find out who did this to you. " Said Derek with an serious/hilarious expression. " derek please get me outta these chains. " I whispered to him. " I can't I really want to but we don't know who bit you or what bit you all I know is you could be in danger." He exclaimed when I heard this my world spun around. What I'm I and could I turn into a monster, Then exact sentence ran through my head. " Alex you'll be okay I'm hear to protect you." Said Derek it made me feel alot better knowing he was right there to protect me. 

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