Chapter 10

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  • Dedicated to My Dad: PLEASE GET ME A DOG!

<pre style="line-height: 17px; white-space: normal; color: #2a2a2a; font-size: 13px;">Oh. My. God. I can't believe it!! We have reached Chapter TEN!!

Thats officially the most amount of chapters I've EVER done ! :o

And on time too! For the Sleepover Chapterrr!!!!


<pre style="line-height: 17px; white-space: normal; color: #2a2a2a; font-size: 13px;">Remember to vote and comment please! <3</pre>

<pre style="line-height: 17px; white-space: normal; color: #2a2a2a; font-size: 13px;">Ooh what's gonna happen? Read to find out!


Ahhh! What to pack?!? Oh god I have no idea! My first sleepover just has to be with a boy doesn't it?! Of course it does. 

Never have I EVER gone to a single sleepover so how am I am meant to know what to bring? And plus it's with a guy? Come on! Why me?!


What to do, what to do.... BING!

Idea! Hmm... Is that the sound that you're meant to hear when you get an idea? Oh well.

"SARAH!!!" I screamed

"WHAT?!?" she screamed back


"OKAY" she shouted.

How I love our strange relationship it feels like we're sisters that are some how really nice to each other...

"I'm here!" she said walking in my room and plopping her self on the bed. "So what did you want?"

"Well I was just wondering if you knew what I should bring for the sleepover..." then I looked down and blushed "...cause I've never been to one and I have no idea...oh and what was that bing sound?"

"Aw Santiana honey, don't worry just bring your pajama's and toiletries and a spare change of clothes for tomorrow and maybe a book or your iPod. Oh and don't forget to bring your phone!"

"ok thanks Sarah" I beamed at her "Wait you didn't tell me what the 'BING!' sound was?"

"Oh that was just the microwave saying its done" she laughed

"What? Microwaves can talk?!" I said, shocked.

Then Sarah burst out in a laughing fit and I could hardly understand her when she was explaining that microwaves don't talk but she meant it goes bing to notify you that what ever's in there is done.

"Ohhh" I said feeling slightly stupid

"Don't worry Santiana I just worded it wrong you're not dumb"

I nodded.

After Sarah left I got my red sportsgirl bag that had big white pokadots on it and grabbed my blue and white striped pj's that reminded me of a really cute sailor outfit with the shorts looking like a skirt.

Hmm... What else did Sarah say?

Toiletries! So I go into my bathroom and grab my toothbrush, cleanser, moisturizer, toothpaste and de-tangler for my hair and then I stuff my hairbrush and a few hair ties into a cute makeup bag. Which reminds me... I grab some clear lipgloss, eyeliner, my favourite Lipbalm and some tinted moisturizer for in the morning and put them in too.

I then stuff the lot into my bag and then look around my room searching for something else to bring. My eyes fall on to my book beside my bed remembering the words Sarah said a few minutes ago. I pick up my book 'The Hunger Games' it's the first in the series and I've only read a few chapters but I already find it hard to put down. I drop that into my bag too. Then I rush around my room adding other items I want to bring.

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