Chapter 9

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Santiana finally got Xavier to talk about himself and she uncovered his not very pleasant past consisting of his parents fighting, his dad leaving and filing a divorce and on top of that his younger sister Millie gets sick because she can't handle everything that is going on. 


It's been two days since Xavier was here. And when he finally woke up it was really awkward between us since he had just burst out about Millie and then cried in my arms then fell asleep on me, so it was a suprise when we weren't all buddy-buddy that morning.

For the past few days I've been thinking about Xav. I mean sure I was abandoned straight after I was born but that means I never got to know my parents which means I wasn't attached to them like Xavier. For me it's different because unlike me he actually has something to miss. Memories, smiles, laughs and just the presence of each other, all of that is gone for him.

It happened two years ago so Xavier must have been eleven or twelve years old and he hadn't seen his father since. That must be pretty hard even though he try's to pretend he's okay with it, his obviously not.

I haven't seen him since then but we have texted a few times just normal stuff, you know? Like 'Hey how are you?' and 'What are you doing?'.

I feel bad about forcing him to tell me about his past but I really had no idea about any of it. And you know that saying? Curiousity killed the cat? Well I reckon that's pretty much true in my case apart from the dying bit 'cause no one died, but more like...feeling sad and broken inside.

"Santiana" Sarah calls


"Come on we have to leave now to get you fitted for your school uniform!"

Oops… forgot about that...

I rushed around my room brushing my hair while hopping on one leg trying to get my flip-flop on my foot.


"Coming!" I said as I raced out my room and down the stairs meeting Sarah at the front door.

We arrived in front of a small store that had the faded words 'HSW School Uniforms' printed above the door. As we walked through the door there was a tinkle of a bell coming from somewhere near the back of the store. I turned around and realize that Sarah was no longer behind me but talking to a shop assistant off to the side.

"Well we're going to need the full uniform for winter and summer. Oh and the school bag... And the hat for P.E. in the summer! What else?" rambles Sarah obviously excited she's doing this for me.

"Well there's the sport bag if you want that and the scarf for winter and if she's interested in being in the school swim squad there's a school swimsuit." lists off the assistant.

"Santiana? Do you want to be in the school swim squad?" she says turning around to look at me

"Uh...I can't swim so no… sorry"

"Don't be sorry but we really should get you some swimming lessons…" she trails off "Anyway we would like everything apart from the swim suit" she said with her usual bubbly voice turning back to the assistant.

She lead us over to a aisle with a sign over it saying 'Clearwater High' then she looked at me up and down and clucked her tongue "Hmm...size 8 women's" she muttered while running her hand over various shelfs before stopping and grabbing things out of the shelfs. Then lead me to the changing rooms and dumped a skirt, blouse and jumper and tie in my arms "Thats the summer uniform so go try that on" and she pulled the curtains closed.

I pulled off my current clothes off and then buttoned up the white school blouse a pulled on the blue plaid skirt and put the blue tie around my neck and pulled it making it tighter and pulled the navy blue jumper over that. Then I turned around and looked in the mirror.

I saw a girl with ebony brown hair flowing down her shoulders and she was wearing a school uniform that looked like it was made for her. The skirt reached about an inch above her knees and the tie lay askew over the V-necked jumper showing the white blouse underneath.

Wow was all I could think, just wow.

I walked out of the changing rooms and Sarah ran up to me "Ooh you look gorgeous!" ok that's so not a normal response to how you look in your school uniform but sure I'll just go with it.

"I love it" I smiled up at her

"I thought you would" she seemed to grin from ear to ear.

The shop assistant was circling me "Seems to fit perfectly" she said looking up at Sarah 

"Yes so does she have to try on the winter or can she just get the same size?"

"Well you can just get the same size because that's easier do sweetie can you go change back while I get your winter uniform and more summer uniform so you can wash your uniform during the week"

"okay" I said heading back to the changing rooms.

After I had changed back I met Sarah at the counter with a bag full of my new uniforms. She smiled "Just wait a sec. while I pay and we can go"



When we get home and Sarah has made sure my new school uniform is neatly folded and hung up properly in my wardrobe she announces tomorrow night she will be going out with Mark and I will be going to his sisters house and hanging out with Xavier. That Seems Ok, I think But Just As Long As I Don't Have To Stay Long.

"Oh and I hope you don't mind but you're sleeping over there." she looks down and blushes "…it's just I want some time with Mark... You know?" she says like she has to explain to me exactly why I have to stay over there

"Sure" I say quickly not wanting her to continue

"Good" she beamed

I went back to bedroom and collapsed on my bed groaning thinking how could I even deal with this.

Then it occurred to me, Since when would any adult let a girl my age have a sleepover with a guy?

Well I guess that was the only option she had apart from a babysitter or leaving me by myself. But she obviously knows no one my age would even like to have a babysitter and she would be to worried about me to leave me alone.

I guess I'll just have to deal with it.

But exactly what do you pack when you're going over to a guy friend's house for a sleepover? Or any sleepover at all?!


Hey guys yes I updated!

Hehe I know no one but my friends actually read this but who cares!

Anyway on with it…

Question of the chapter: what's your answer to Santiana's question: What do you bring to a sleepover at a guy friend's house?

If your answer is good I might even use it in the next chapter :)

Next upload: whenever!

Vas Happin' in the next chapter: Xavier's house for a SLEEPOVER :o !! Will Santiana get to meet Millie? What's Xavier's mum going to be like?

Notice: have you guys read my new book The Story Of Us yet? Please do it's about me and my family friends and all the funny, stupid things we did and about growing up together and becoming who we are today.

The Drill: you should know this by now but if you forgot shame on you here it is:

Love you guys as always and remember the more love my work gets the more I upload!

Keep reading,
Meg xx
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