Chapter 1

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So this is the first chapter of my story!

It consists of many questions that may just get you thinking, for me it did. Just writing this made me sad and no I didn't write this because I am or know anyone that is a dustbin baby but this idea just came to me. Hope you enjoy this story and come to love Santiana and feel what she feels as the story progresses.

Oh and before I forget see the image on the side ------>

Well that's Phoebe Tonkin who plays Santiana in this book :)

Enjoy ♥ and please please please remember to:




♥Thanks guys love you all :* ♥


Ever since I was adopted from the orphanage my already sad life went downhill.

Many people only adopted me to get money to pay for their alcohol and smokes.Usually by the time it was for a meal they had already passed out from drunkenness so I had had to fend for myself.

I knew there was no point calling child services as my current 'guardian' would just deny everything I said and they would believe them.

You see when I was born I wasn't brought up with a loving family like most of you, actually I had none. I am what is called a 'dustbin baby', which is when your mother abandons you at birth and leaves you somewhere someone can find you and take you in.

Only in my case I wasn't found in a dustbin but on a park bench in a brown paper bag. Yeah, my mother was very classy.

I've always wondered what it is like to have a normal life and feel wanted and loved but that can never be for me, as when my mother abandoned me she took away all hope for me to be truly wanted and loved. I mean I'm always getting pity from others or getting teased because they think my mother must have abandoned me for a reason.

I've never been to school before, only taught at the orphanage by an old hag called Ms. Jackson. I don't like her much. She was always drawling on about everything in her boring, annoying voice.

I've never had the chance to be friends with anyone my age 'cause there's not any other fourteen year olds apart from me at Saint Hope's. I guess you just get used to it after a while though, it's not like I had friends in the first place anyways.

I'm hoping all of this will change next week when Miss Wilkins comes to pick me up next week. I've only met her once and she seems nice enough but you can never be sure. The thing I'm looking forward to doing the most is going to Clearwater High after the holidays-I had no idea we had-are over.

I wish I can have normal friends and a normal life without anyone knowing about my dustbin baby past.

I just wish for once I was normal, a normal girl at a normal high school with normal friends. But I can't expect too much.

Maybe just maybe I will find someone that can want me for me, not just to be respected for looking out for the girl who has had a hard past, but to really care.

At Saint Hope's Orphanage we got taught Religion and I don't really know if I can believe in God just yet because if I was God-the big guy up there who is meant to be loving and forgiving-I wouldn't let these things happen to my people. But maybe one day I can believe about him and his son Jesus and Mother Mary but only time can tell.

Please don't think I'm the kind of girl that is only looking for pity, because I'm definatly not and don't think I just want attention, because I wouldn't want to waste time coming up with a story like this just to get some attention that isn't needed and lastly don't think I'm one of those people that drown in self pity because I'm not like that I would rather use my time to something more useful.

I've often wondered about my parents: what do they look like? Who they are as a person? Why did they abandon me? Were they young when they had me? Does my father even know I exist? Why am I a dustbin baby? Why?

I guess I don't know these answers and probably never will, but a girl can only hope.


How did you like this first chapter?

I know it's short but that was the point where I knew she was gonna have to stop as it felt like the 'end of a chapter' sentence :)

Please remember to vote, comment and fan if you want me to keep writing :)

Quote of the Chapter: "Today was the tomorrow we feared yesterday"

Question of the Chapter: What do you think of Santiana?

♥ enchantedwriter13 xx

And remember vote comment and fan if you haven't already!

Love you all ♥♥♥

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