I Won't Say Anything At All, Chapter 1

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**Grace's P.O.V**

I have to admit I am a little nervous, Vancouver is nothing like Florida. Ever since my dad got this job offer here in Vancouver, Ive had a tough time fitting in. So here I am. walking though the halls of Magee Secondary School on the first day of grade 11.  My first class is history, okay now if only I knew where that was. I finally managed to find the class on time. So far so good. Alright next class, math...oh joy. On the way to my locker, some guy with blue hair bumps into me. Opps!," sorry, let me get those for you." he says, as he picks up my books. "you look new here" I shyly answer him," yeah, its my first day here, my dad moved here from Florida last week." Like he really cared. He handed my my book and then the school bell rang. He moved his blue bangs away from his face then said," oh cool, whats your next class?" I replied," umm math I think." he looked up at me then said," same with me, do you need any help to get to math?" I shyly looked away and said," no I think I know where it is." he looked at me again with his blue eyes and said," oh alright, maybe ill see you there." I smiled at him and said," yeah, maybe we will." I turned to walk away but was stopped by the touch of his hand on my shoulder, he said," wait, I never did get your name." I turned back around to face him and smiled," my name is Grace." He smiled, a friendly smile at me," Grace, nice to meet you, my name is Josh." I smiled at him then said," nice to meet you too Josh, but I really must be going, I dont want to get in trouble for being late on my first day here." Josh laughed then said," alright bye Grace."  God, could I be anymore stupid? I have to admit I'm a sucker for blue eyes, and he was kind of cute, Josh thats a cute name...WHAT AM I SAYING? He is probably just a stupid guy who hits on every single girl here. Enough about Josh,I have to focus on math.

**Josh's P.O.V**


"Huh, repeat the question again please?" I must have been daydreaming about Grace again and not have heard what the hell we were talking about in math.

My math teacher sighed and said," I asked you if you were awake."

"Oh yeah, I was awake."

"Mr. Ramsay I do not accept students falling asleep in my classroom,if it happens again you will be sent down to the office." He snapped at me.

As if I cared, what the hell would the office do anyways?

My friend Matt who sat beside me looked at me and said," nice going dude."

I rolled my eyes at him.

Then I heard someones voice saying," I'm sorry I'm late, I'm new here and I had a bit of trouble finding this classroom."

The voice was recognizeable, like I have heard it before

"Ahh, Grace is it? This time I will let it slide, welcome to my classroom, please try not to be late again."

My head snapped up as I heard the word "Grace"

Grace nodded at the math teacher whose name I don't remember nor have an intention in remembering.

"You can have a seat at the empty desk behind Joshua here."

Grace's eyes met mine, did he just say that Grace is sitting behind me? As if it isn't hard already to attempt to concentrate in math.

Grace walked over and sat behind me. The entire rest of the class all I smelt was perfume from Grace I was assuming because Matt didn't wear perfume. It was driving me insane, in the best possible way.

I jumped when the school bell rang.

Yes finally, lunch. I wanted to talk to Grace again. When I got up to leave, Grace was nowhere to be found.

**Grace's P.O.V**

Alright, so today I've managed to embaress myself more then enough times. Considering I'm sitting at an empty cafeteria table because I don't know anyone here. I heard my name being called, but nobody here knew my name unless...."Josh?"

"Hey Grace, mind if I take a seat?"

"Uh yeah sure, yeah go ahead."

Even though I'd promised myself not to get caught up in boys this year, Josh was pretty cute. He was probably around 6 feet tall, and he had black hair with blue streaks, and a tongue ring,not to mention blue eyes that anybody could get caught staring into. Was I staring? shit I was!

"Ew this is gross!" Josh said as he poked at whatever he had bought from the cafeteria.

I giggled a bit.

"Here, do you want half of my sandwich?"

Josh looked up at me as I handed him half of my sandwich.

"Thanks." He said as he gave me a smile.

Just then I noticed a girl who was sitting alone in the corner of the cafeteria.

Just then she looked up at me, and I mouthed to her "come sit with us"

The girl stood up and sat down beside me.

"Hey, whats your name?" I said to the girl.

She looked up at me," my name is Jessica." she said with a smile.

Josh looked up and noticed Jessica, but didn't say anything.

The rest of the lunch period was quiet, until Jessica had annouced that she wanted to go back and get ready for her next class.

When Jessica left, me being the clutz that I am, managed to get some coke zero on my new top.

Josh looked up and handed me a napkin.

"Thanks" I said.

As I grabbed the napkin I noticed little red dots on Josh's arm.

"Josh...what happened to your arm?"

Josh looked worried and immediatly rolled down his sleves to cover the little red dots.

"Uh...My cat did that to me.." He said....but I knew he was lying, I have a cat and she never gives me little red dots on my arm, scraches maybe, but not little red dots.

**Josh's P.O.V**

Grace was shorter then me,with long brown hair and hazel eyes. She seemed like the type of girl who had no intention in dating boys that got into trouble. That is why I had to lie to her. My past was still a blurr to me, but it was a part of my life I did not under any circumstances, want to re-live. The pain. The escasy I got from the needle. But it wasn't worth it. Rehab had taught me a lot about life, how there were much better things in life than drugs. The happy things in life that keep people alive when they are depressed.

I was a herion addict. That was a part of my past Grace didn't need to know.

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