Part 2 : Chapter 11

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"We have to fight against the titans now!" I yelled at Ewin.

"We don't have enough people to go outside the walls", Erwin said calmly.

"It doesn't matter. I can help take most of them out in human or Titan form", I stated fuming silently.

"Keith did say you were a army by yourself, and that is in your human form", He mumbles quietly.

"Let me go back. I'll kill them all."

"Even Pops and Igor?"

I clench my teeth and look down. Could I kill them? Pops been there for me since I turned into a human. Igor is like a big brother to me. I look up to them. 

"Give me a week to go outside the walls. We both know I'll be fine."

Erwin looks at me and sighs. He nods and I nod back. Then I leave and head to my room to pack a bag.

Here I come, father...


"Please Little, don't leave! You'll get yourself killed!" I yelled at her.

"Better me than anyone else, Jean-bo", Little said absently.

She grabs some clothes and stuff it in a bag. I watch as she calmly pack. What can I do to stop here? Mom will never forgive me if I let her go. "Don't think you're coming", Little said unexpectedly.

I open my mouth, but was interrupted by someone knocking on the door. Eren and Armin, and Mikasa come in, she looks pissed. "You're not leaving" Mikasa declares.

"Thank you!" I exclaim tiredly.

"I have Erwin's permission to go outside the wall. I'll kill the titans while I'm out there. Count on it", Alisa said stubbornly.

"Then I'm coming, too", Eren said firmly.

"If Eren is going, then I'm coming too", Mikasa stated.

"Wow Mikasa, you'll be a good wife for me", I thought sidetracking. 

"I won't be much help, but I want to help", Armin said negatively.

"If they're going, so am I", I said angrily.

Little looks at us with a calculating and cold look. She opens her mouth, then closes it. Little looks to be thinking about something. Alisa goes back to packing and she warns, "You have an hour to pack. Don't worry about the 3DMG. If you're not at the front of headquarters in 10 minutes, I'm leaving."


"How much time do we have?" Mikasa asked as we quickly walk to our destination.

"We're late by 3 minutes", I answer apprehensively.

We start running until we finally make it... but she's gone. I look around to see no trace of her. She didn't even say goodbye. "Took you guys long enough", a voice said sarcastically.

We see Little jump from the roof to the ground. Mikasa and Jean look ready to kill her while Eren looked relieved. I asked, "Why didn't you leave?"

Little shrugs and fixes her backpack. She answers, "What kind of friend will I be if I left without saying goodbye?"

We laugh and Little adds, "Besides, Jean-bo needs extra training."

"Hey!" he yelled, acting offended.

We laugh, but I can't shake the feeling something was about to happen. 

Something bad...


"I hope I get to say goodbye when the time comes", I thought as I watched the others.


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