Part 2 : Chapter 8

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I'm in the dining hall with Eren, Armin, and Mikasa. I haven't seen Penny or Emily since yesterday. I wonder how they're taking things while they settle into the rules here. Then I suddenly remember that they don't know that I'm a Titan-shifter. I bring my finger to my mouth and nibble on it nervously, how will they take it when they find out?

Armin asks me, "Are you worried about your friends?"

"More like I'm worried how they'll take it when I'm a Titan", I said apprehensively.

Eren started to say something when Levi orders, "Come with me."


I see the new recruits that joined the Survey Corps, along with Marcus, Penny, and Emily. I whisper to Eren, "Why are we here?"

Levi answers, "Erwin thought it would be a good idea to show them how a Titan looks like so it won't be new to them when we have an expedition."

I hear Penny yell, "Why did you bring Alisa? She's not a Titan-shifter!"

I wince and said, "Actually I am."

All of them look at me with fear. Then off to the distance, we hear, "Wait for me! My baby titans!"

Eren and I laugh to ourselves while Levi clicks his tongue. Hanji runs up to us, barely out of breath and she still looks as hyper. Hanji says professionally, "You can start now."

I look at Eren and we nod. I breath deeply while Eren brings his hand to his mouth. We look at each other and nod, then we start changing. I'm able to shift faster now, thanks to Hanji and her excessive whining, and after a minute, I'm in my titan form. Everyone looks at us with fear except for Levi and Hanji... and Marcus.

Levi yells, "I want you to attack them as you were one of the titans! They have their 3DMG!"

We nod and start charging at the new recruits. They remain frozen until I went to reach for them and they jumped into action. They get out of the way by running or using the grappling hook to latch onto us. I grab Eren by his nape and mine to create a crystal cover, in case someone get any ideas. I roar and try to grab anyone who got too close.

Anyone who wasn't fast enough, I hold them in my hands without using too much force. The others try to save them and I let them, sometimes. Then I hear someone yell, "Enough!"

I look down to see Erwin and the recruits all land on the ground. Erwin compliments us, "Good job on teaching them."

We nod and he turns to the recruits. "Go get settled into your rooms. Levi will show you the way."


"Did something happened to you and your friends?" Mikasa asks in concern.

"No, there just freaked out that I can shift into a Titan. I didn't tell them because Erwin said that I couldn't", I answered with a sigh.

"You never follow Erwin's orders."

"I know, but when I found out, one of my father's followers might be here. I didn't want to tell the wrong person, even though I knew it was Marcus."

She hums and asks, "Want to go help Armin? He's going to work with Krista to teach the others how to ride a horse."

"Horses don't exactly like me very much", I said sweat dropping.

"Ok then. I'll see you later."



I sigh and look outside the window to where the others were learning to ride a horse. My eyes widen slightly when I see Erwin is there helping, too. I see Penny pretending to need special help and Erwin unknowingly falls into her trap. I clench my hands into fist until I release them.

"Why should I care? He would probably be happier to be with human, instead of a Titan", I thought bitterly. I look away from them and at the horses. Every time I get close to a horse, they get out of control, except when I use my bond to tame them. I don't blame them for being afraid of me thought. I smell like predator. 

"Come on", a voice behind says.

I jump and turn around to see Mikasa. "What?"

She didn't answer me and drags me by the back of my collar.



I'm still being dragged by Mikasa as I kick and drag my feet. I hear everyone laugh under their breath and I growl loudly. She stops and drags me in front of her. I shot her a glare and whisper, "What are we going here?"

Penny hisses, "I thought you didn't like horses."

"I love horses, but they don't exactly like me", I stated.

"I know the feeling", she murmurs.

Mikasa pushes me forward and the horses start getting uneasy. I take a step back and sent another glare at Mikasa. I ask, "Penny, Emily, can I talk to you two?"

"Why so you can lie to us again? No thanks! I don't like hanging around liars", Penny scoffs.

I growl and yell, "Stop begin so full of yourself and hear me out! The Beast Titan is our enemy, not me!"

"So what? We'll take him down without your help", she boasts.

"No, you can't. He's too strong for you or Eren. I'm the only one who can take him on", I argue.

"What's makes you sure you can?"

"Because he's my father!"

Dead silence meets my response and I continue, "The Beast Titan is my father, but my mother was human. She died when my father lead a pack of titans to my village to capture me, I was born human, but when he captured me, he turned me into a monster. He tried to do the same to my mom, but no human female has been able to withstand the transformation. I'm the only one who will kill my father because I have a debt to settle with him and no one is going to get in my way. You got that Penny!"

I turn around and shoulder past Mikasa. It has been years since I talked about my mom. I still remember every single detail of when my father attacked the village. I reach the trees that surround headquarters and jump onto a high tree branch. Then I fly through the trees, relishing the freedom I felt.

I go back in a few weeks...Maybe


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