Part 1: Chapter 2

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We set out to the woods to see if we can find answers about the Titan's existence. I'm still thinking about that Titan from yesterday. Why didn't it attack us? Any other Titan would've tried to eat us. Erwin yells, "Get ready! Titans are coming!"

Levi warns, "Eren don't shift into a Titan."

I nod and everyone goes faster to lose the Titans. People are killing Titans, but some of us are dying along them. I see an older looking Titan eating one of my comrades. The Titan has worry lines on its forehead and always seem to have a solemn look on his face. Levi goes to kill it and I watch as he brings down his blade. 

Suddenly there's a loud clash, my eyes widen as I couldn't believe what I was seeing. A girl our age stopped Levi's blade with a small knife. The older Titan yells, "Little!"

My eyes widen further. The Titan just talked and he knows the girl. The older Titan looks at the Titans around us. He yells, "Run! Go home!"

The Titans follow his orders and start running away with the older Titan in the lead, but it seems to be waiting for the girl. The girl punches Levi across the face before running after the Titans. Erwin yells, "Get the girl!"

Everyone snaps out of their shocked dazes and chase after them. Why do the Titans care about her? Why haven't they eaten her? She's human like us... isn't she? I hear her yell, "Pops! Run!"

The older Titan nods and runs away. The girl suddenly jumps high in the air and lands gracefully on a tree branch. How is she able to do that? I hear people using their 3DMG to go after her. I follow after her with Armin and Mikasa. 

"She's fast", I thought incredulously. She's moving through the trees with ease, like she knows this place like the back of her hand. Armin says confused, "She should've tired out by now, or at least slowed down. How is she still going that fast?"

She turns a corner, then everyone stops and looks around. When we got there, I see that the girl somehow disappeared. Levi comes up to us and I look at his cheek to see that it's a bit swollen. I look at him worriedly until I see that glint in this eyes that makes me want to tremble in fear. He yells, "Where is she!"

I answered nervously, "She disappeared."

He narrows his eyes at me and looks into the trees. Suddenly he shoots out the grappling hooks and the girl jumps out of the trees... onto my horse. Everyone goes into full alert as they immediately turn to look at us and the girl is holding her small knife against my neck. She yells, "Move and Titan-shifter dies."

My eyes widen, not to my probable death, but she knows what I am. Levi asks, "How do you know about Eren?"

She growls in frustration before she yells, "I'll bring him back!"

"What?" I thought shocked. 

She whispers in my ear, "Hold on."

Before I could do anything, she jumps high in the air. I gasp loudly and hold tightly onto her arms. 


After I made sure I lost the humans, I land with a shell-shocked Sea Boy. I throw him to the ground and he snaps out of his daze. Then I hear some Titan footsteps and I stand in front of Sea Boy. I turn to Sea Boy to signal him to be quiet before turning back to look forward. Igor comes into the clearing with Pops, along with two others. Igor said simple, "Little safe."

I smile lightly at him. "Sorry to worry you."

Pops asks curiously, "You brought human?"

I look back at the frighten Titan-shifter. I explain, "Only way to escape them."

Buddy growls, "Eat human."

I hear Sea Boy growl and I hold my hand up to calm him down. I growl, "No, not this human."

"Why not?" Hunt asks angrily. 

I answer hesitantly, "I promised humans."

They begin to come at me, but Pops stops them by throwing them against the trees. He yells, "Little is Titan! Beast Titan's daughter!"

They grunted angrily before walking away. I sigh in relief before pulling Sea Boy up to stand. I said ashamed, "Sorry Pops."

He looks at me and nods dismissively. He orders, "Give human back. Igor go with her."

We both nod and he walks away, looking like the weight of the world is on his shoulders. 


The girl, Little, takes my arm before walking towards base camp, I think. The Titan, Igor, follows behind us like a body guard. We walk in silence until I couldn't take it anymore. I ask, "What did that Titan mean by 'Beast Titan's daughter'?"

Igor grunts in protest and Little nods absently. She says blankly, "None of your business." 

I ask feverishly, "Do you know why they eat us for no reason? Why don't they eat you? Why does the sun light affect them? Who ma-"

I stop when I hit against Little's body, she suddenly stopped. Then I feel her punch me in the stomach and strike me behind my head. I feel the darkness take over as I lost unconsciousness. 


I sigh out in relief and Igor grunts in agreement. I pick up Sea Boy's body before hoisting him over my shoulders. Igor asks, "Is he Titan-shifter?" 

"Yes", I answered after a moment. 

He growls irritated and continues on walking without me. I know that Igor won't eat him, but if the other Titans knew, Sea Boy here would be dead right now. 

Good thing he got lucky...


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