Chapter 11: Llyord Alwin

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The day after we found out I might be kicked out of the team, I was called to Goddess Rico's sister's office, also known as Freon's office. I knocked shakily and walked in, nervous of the conversation to come. "Miss Idai, please take a seat." Freon stays looking out the window, looking quite intimidating. "I see you found out my last name." I state back, staying in my blank faced manner. My walls may have crumbled to my team, but that doesn't mean I trust anyone else. "Yes, it was the first thing mentioned in Kanata's report." She turns around. We were alone in the office, and if it were sound proof, I would have a few, colourful, things to say to her, but that can wait for another time.

When I got to her desk, I didn't bother to sit. "Alright, then. We have many matters to talk about, so I would advice that you sit down." She gestures again, sitting in her large, comfy office chair. "I am perfectly comfortable, Goddess' sister." I state again. "Goddess' sister? Please don't tell me you're talking about Rico?" She raises an eyebrow, seeming offended. "Rico is a closer ally, Flamel, so I consider her of a higher status." I explain, keeping my back straight, head up and composed attitude. "I will have you know, I have control over you. So I would watch my tone, if I were you."  She rises from her chair, resting her hands in the desk. "Actually, Freon, as the head forced me to attend, you have no control and I may leave any time I feel. It states in my contract. You also have no leverage." I smirk, leaning on her desk, also being intimidating. She sighed and sat again, she knew to quit when she was behind.

"Let's get started, shall we?" She got some folders from her draw and looked at me from the corner of her eye. "Waiting on you, Flamel." I smile, rocking on my heels. I knew it was killing her in the inside to stop herself from strangling me at that moment, but that's why it was so funny. "Firstly, I am glad you got over your family's and your partner's deaths, but you have to pay more attention in your lessons. If not, you'll flunk. That means you'll have to leave the school and you will never see your friends again." She looked at the reports from most of my teachers that said I was a misbehaved student. "Don't worry, I know what I'm doing." I nod to her, returning to my before attitude. "Also, teachers have complained that your coming in with casual wear has distracted some of the student of the school." She looks up from that complaint papers and freezes when she finds me in a newly ironed uniform. "I apologise about that day, my uniform was ripped. Too small." I smirked and shrugged my shoulders.

I could tell she didn't like my new personality, she couldn't walk over me anyone. I had tasted the freedom of not always having to protect everyone, and I didn't want to let that go soon. "Look, Akasuki. The truth is, your team is barely making it in competitions, the next one they lose, you're getting kicked. So we're moving to you to an S Team." She tries threatening me, but it just goes over my head. From my standing position, I turn around and walk to the door. "Then I guess we'll just have to win then, won't we?" I stated before opening the door and departed, leaving Freon in my dust.

"Holy sugar gods, what the hell did I just do?! I haven't even fought with them yet and I'm already declaring our wins. What the hell is wrong with me!?" I face palm to myself when I know I'm alone. I run up the stairs of my team's building and sigh. "When's the next comp, anyway?" I question myself, looking at a bulletin board with flyers and competition dates hanging on it. While I'm searching, I hear footsteps coming down the hall so I turn around to see who it is. It was a tall, blond haired boy, he looked like an upperclassman. "Hey! Are you looking for competition dates?" He asks, running over to me. "Yes, I'm Akasuki Idai, second year. Pleasure to meet you." I go to my blank state the moment he arrives. Again, I may have gotten over the deaths, but I was still untrustworthy to strangers. "Lloyd Alwin, third year. I've heard of you. You're a new student, right?" He shakes my hand with a really cute smile. Wait! What am I thinking?! It looks just like Hogo-kun's though. I look down as I blush.

"Y-Yeah, it's nice to meet you, Alwin-senpai." I stutter. Why the hell am I stuttering!? "Wow, no one's called me senpai in a while." He chuckles, letting go of my hand pushing his hair back. "Sorry." I bow. "It's fine, really. So, what competition are you looking for?" I turn back to the board and he peers over my shoulder. I look at him and step back in surprise. "Sorry. I'm told I don't know much about personal space." He chuckles again. "Sorry, I'm not that good with strangers. I'm looking for the next, upcoming competition." I smile through the awkwardness and turn back to the board and bend over to look at the bottom. "But I can't seem to find it." I tap my chin. "Right at the top. I guess you didn't see it because your so short." He points at the top of the board, quite a way higher than him as well. "I'm not that much smaller than you." I pout and cross my arms over my chest.

"Hey, you should probably get to class. Looks like the bell's about t-." Before he could finish his sentence, the alarm to get to class goes off. "Sugar! Sorry, Mr Alwin, I'll see you later!" I run off in the opposite direction, waving behind me as I ran to training.

I flew to where my team was in the sky. "Sorry, I'm late!" I bow when I get there. "How did the meeting go, Aka? We were so worried!" Lecty flew over and hugged me tightly. "It was fine Lecty! We just need to win our next competition to show her who's boss." I punch the air to give the others confidence. "Okay girls, let's do this!" Kanata encourages them and we get to work.

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