Chapter 5: What Will They Do?

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When I got back to the city, the blood which had leaked from my cuts, had heeled. I walked along the empty streets as it was around midnight. "Should I let them in?" I think to myself, balancing myself as walk I on the benches and edges of flower beds. "They seem trustworthy, but what if it happens to them too. I can't deal with that again." I sigh.

Suddenly, I see someone walking in my direction at a fast pace. I stood stilll as I peered into the darkness, only lightened up by the moon. There I saw bright, pink hair and gasped. It was Misora. I quickly jumped up on a house to make sure she didn't see me in my previous state. "Which way is her house again?" My target looks down to her blonde friend who I hadn't seen before hand. "I-I think we passed it. Misora, I'm really scared. What if she gets angry and kicks us out." Miss Eisenach clings to the Goddess' arm, who was walking along said Flostre-Senpai. "She may seem unsociable, but I don't think she's rude." Flostre-senpai defends me.

"Are they looking for my house?" I question myself. "If so, they passed it a long time ago if they were coming from that direction." I look down the side street they came from. "A goddess like me shouldn't be tracing the streets at this time of night, I need my beauty sleep." Goddess flips her hair. "You should sleep through practise then." I hear Miss Whitale mumble and I laugh under my breath.

Then, I see two men coming in the opposite direction of the girls. "Are they those perverts that have been around these parts at night. Didn't they learn their lesson last time?" I grumble and stand up, remembering last week when they tried to make a pass on me on my way home. "I swear if they try anything." I pause when the men notice my team. "Goddamnit." I sigh as the men grab Miss Whitale's and Miss Eisenach's wrist. "Hey there, pretty lady. Why are you walking around at this time of night? Did you lose your daddy?" The boss peers into Miss Eisenach's face. "W-We're looking f-for a friend. Pl-Please let go of my hand." She tries pulling back. "That's it." My senses kick in for the second time tonight and I jump down behind the boys.

"What did I tell you?" I shake in anger. They all look around and notice who I am. "An-Angel!? P-Please, forgive us! They said they were lost. Don't beat us again!" The two bow down. "I said the next time we meet I will throw you over the edge. I'm a keeper of my word." I lift my head and the light of the moon shines on my face, showing the crazed smile, my sword appearing in my hand once again. What I hadn't noticed was the splatters of green goo stained to my jacket from my previous battle.

The men jump up and run away in fright. "You're lucky I'm not in the mood." I mumble and put the sword in my belt in case they come back. "Wh-Who are y-you?" Goddess stutters with my back turned to them and my hands in my hips. "What did I tell you about my privacy? It's not safe for you." I turn to them with my dead eyes, already annoyed enough. "Ak-Akasuki?" Miss Whitale stutters. "Please return at once. I'm going after those pervs." I turn around to jump onto the closest building. "Wait! Akasuki, who are you?" Flostre-Senpai steps forward. "You should research your teammates. Fine, I'll give you a clue." I sigh and turn around. "The Angel of war." I smile and cock my head to the side. "See yah." I wave and jump away, following the creeps to throw them in jail.

After getting the criminals and sending them to the police station, I return home. "I wonder what tomorrow's going to be like?" I stretch my arms up as I wash the blood off my body, some of my own, some of the pervert's. "But still, it was fun to use my sword again, even if it wasn't my favourite one." I giggle and wash the soap out of my hair. "I shouldn't have gone out today, maybe the girls wouldn't have gone passed my house and wouldn't have had to go through that experience." My mood drops, leaning my head against the tiled wall. "I'm such an idiot." I punch the wall in frustration, making a small cracking. I sigh and get out, not bothered to grab my towel and just put my necklace back on, settling back in bed. "Good night, Hogo." I close my eyes as Hogo snuggled under behind me, it felt like the real one was there with me. I slowly fell asleep, one or two tears falling down my face.

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