Chapter 1: One thousand years before

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Akasuki, that's all I know at the moment, that as well as my age, 10. We live out on a farm in the north of Japan in a village that's always really calm, but fun. My best friend, as well as major crush, Hogo-Kun, is here too, making this boring place fun. He's extremely delicate for a boy, and an orphan. His parents died in the earth quakes that happened many years ago. Our family took him in, so I think he thinks of me as a little sister, but someday he will realise my feelings.

Mother is calling me now, I'll write to you soon granny. I hope the danger warnings in Tokyo are just jokes so we can come see the capital soon.


The young girl with long, straight, usually complimented, brown hair finished writing in her diary, which she calls granny, as her mother told Akasuki 'granny' could read it anywhere, due to some sort of magical power. She closed the cover, hooking the elastic latch on the bright pink button and placing it on her solid purple bookcase.

Running down the hall to the kitchen, Akasuki swung on the door frame, her long, brown hair getting in the way of her baby like, adorable face. "Aka-chan! Come sit next to me." Her black haired and dark blue eyed best friend pats the cushion next to him, a bright smile on his pale, dainty face. "Okay Hogo-kun." She attempted skipping over, only to be stopped by her father, a buff, young man with brown hair similar to her own, but much shorter. "Now Akasuki, go wash up first." He turns her by her small head, to the bathroom, pushing on her back to make her start moving. "Okay, okay. Just wait for me!" She tells her family and ran back in the direction she came from.

After the large meal, the family of four all sat at the television, as it was dark now and the young ones couldn't play outside. Akasuki sat in front of her mother, so she could plait her hair. Hogo-sho was sitting next to Akasuki on the floor, and her father sat next to her mother, his arm around her lower back. Akasuki's proper but kind mother brushed her daughter's hair, calming the child down from her long day of effort. That day they had been working in the cherry fields, so her feet ached from climbing up and down the steps. "Aka-chan, do your feet hurt?" Hogo-sho got his best friend's attention and she blushed. She didn't know she had been showing her negative feelings. "Just a bit, it's fine though." She turns away from him, her mother just starting to plait her hair, starting the long, agonising process of trying to keep the excitable little girl still. "Tell me if it gets any worse, okay?" Hogo-sho smiles and holds Akasuki's hand- a small tint of pink on his cheeks and his eyes glittered in the light of whatever program they were watching. She nodded slightly, not wanting to let her embarrassed stuttering show, and they returned their gaze to the electrical box, but not letting go of one another's hands.

When Akasuki's mother finally finished her hair, old church finally that bever usually rang went off from down the street. "What's that?" The youngest looked out the window, pointing at a black cloud in the sky, shadowing the light of the moon. Her mother ran up behind her and looked out, shock in her eyes. "They're here!" She announces and picks her baby girl up. The girl's dad grabs a bag from under the dining table and Hogo-sho grabs everyones' coats. "What's happening mother?" Akasuki clutched to said woman's coat as the group ran out the front door, after she had made them go back so she could get her diary. "It's alright sweetheart. We're just going on a trip." Her mother informs her, holding Akasuki tighter. "Why are we going in the middle of the night?" She asked, getting more scared.

Suddenly, the line of houses to the family's left blow up, throwing them all across the street. "Mother! Dad! Hogo-kun!" The youngest screamed, being pulled out of her mother's womanly hold. "Akasuki!" Her mother screamed, stretching her arm out to Akasuki. Hogo-sho instantly jumped up and caught the flying female as She closed her eyes, in fear of falling to her death. When she opened one and then the other, she realised the two were floating in the air. "H-Hogo-kun!" She gasped, holding onto his neck even more. "It's fine Akasuki, I have you." He whispers into her ear and she calms down as they slowly descend to the ground again.

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