Chapter 4: The Surface

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When I leave, I decide to go back to my apartment so I can prepare for tonight. I had decided to go to the surface and visit my family. I couldn't bring Hogo with me though, as I had to travel at magnificent speed if I wanted to be back by morning.

I locked the door and threw my keys on the side, not caring where they landed. Hogo jumped off my shoulder to go to the bedroom, he knew when I was leaving and what to do. I grabbed a bottle of water from my fridge and put it in my hood, as well as looking at the picture of my happy family, and a separated one of me and Hogo on our first successful mission, which were pinned to the fridge. I smiled slightly and the door to my bedroom fell.

When I sleep, my magic is mostly free to do what it wants, so I can't have any furniture. My apartment has only necessities, like a fridge, a stove and one counter, and in my bedroom I have a mattress with no frame. Of course my bathroom has a toilet, a sink and shower, but that's it. I sigh and put my bottle down, going to fix my door for the first time of the week. "I might as well get rid of the interior doors, there's no need for them since Hogo-kun left." I lift the door up and lean it against the wall, thinking of fixing it later.

A few hours later, I look out the window to see the sun setting. Since I left the mall, I haven't sensed my teammates, so I knew they had given up and gone home. "I'm surprised, I thought they would be more persistent." I open my window that faced the sun and jumped out of it, flying to the edge of the city. As I fly, I get called by air police, saying I haven't asked for permission to fly. "I forgot you had to ask." I tutted myself and stood on the ledge of the great, flying, sky city. I looked down to see clouds blocking off the truth of what earth looks like. I look back and see the police walking towards me. "Young lady! You are under arrest for flying without-" The man is cut off by me jumping over the edge, leaving him speechless.

Feeling the wind flowing through my deviate, magic filled, brown hair, I let a smile out with the expressive freedom. Just as I'm about to land in a broken building, in an old capital called Tokyo, I let out a burst of magic to start flying in the direction of my destination. In a matter of minutes, I land on the soft, dirty ground. All around me are singed buildings with vines growing up the parts that still existed. My old school was crumbling to the ground and grave slabs sat out the front of it. The moss covered floor beneath my feet was comforting as I walked down memory lane. I had visited this place regularly, but it still hurt more every time. I travelled to my house, letting the tears fall as I walked, tree and rocks cracking as I passed due to magical pressure. The field I had once plowed and took care of with my friends, were now overgrown and messy, but still grew edible fruit. My old, cream coloured, brick cottage had the windows smashed and the room was dissolving slowing. The large oak tree that stood victoriously at the front of our house with my old swing hanging off it, one rope snapped. Then, I saw the two stone slabs and one wooden cross dug at the bottom of the steps that lead to my front door. I collapsed before them and laid down some flowers I had picked on my way here, some long grown pieces of grass mixed in with it. I lowered my head and held my hands together in my lap as I prayed my family are at peace in heaven.

"Mother, I thought I saw you today. I almost destroyed a bookcase." I chuckled at my pathetic efforts to leave my past behind me. "I miss you guys so much. I'm sorry for my actions today, I know you must be ashamed to have a violent girl as your daughter. I don't want to fight. I just want life to be like it used to be. I want to live in those ten years over and over until I get sick of it. I hate being alone, but that's the only way I can save everyone. If I'm alone, I can't hurt anyone. Hogo has been looking after me, I promise. I-I just want to be a family again." I cry into my hands and bow till my forehead lies on the grown, emptying the contents of my heart. "It's not fair. You guys fought for humanity too, and you don't get the respect wizards get. You gave your life like the rest of them. The whole village fought to save us. ITS NOT FAIR!" I punch the grown to the empty graves.

During my time asleep, the bugs had come back to this place and practically turn it upside down. My parents' graves were dug up and their bodies had already turned to skeletons, so the bugs destroyed them.

I stood up after an hour of crying and went to my training ground. It was a large, open, concrete area, surrounded my rubble and large chunks of stone pillars. Weeds and grass grew through the cracks in the pavement and up the stone. It was a silent, calming place where I could freely unleash my power without harming any wildlife or my village. It used to be the village church, a gravesite placed not that far away. I sat in the centre of the ruin and crossed my legs in the meditation position. My pulses of magic went through the ground and into the village, it's buildings slowly recreating themselves. Magic allows the user to put life back into something for a short amount of time, that's what I do instead of fighting. Although it only works for a week or so, it can relieve me of my stress.

While using my magic, I hear and feel spirits coming my way. "That isn't my team." I open my eyes angrily and fly up to get a better view. There I see a small battalion of bugs. "You dare show yourselves in this place again?!" I question them, my bangs covering my eyes.

A sudden smirk plays on my face and my fighting self emerges. Whenever I get the feeling to fight, I get sadistic and have as much fun as I can, losing complete control over my body. Some would call me a psycho or something to do with that field. When I was a warrior, they called me The Angel of War. This is because I look innocent when I'm not fighting, but in the field and in training, I turn into a predatorily animal.

As the bugs approach, my clothing slowly turns to a short, metallic skirt, sliver bikini top and my leather jacket stays the same. My sneakers disappear and all I have are bandages wrapped around my feet. "This is my weakest form. I wouldn't normally use something so trivial in battle. But you crossed the line." Smiling at them, a blue handled sword with golden gems embedded in it appears in my hand. "Let's have some fun, okay?" I giggle slightly, my smirk returning and launch myself at them, ending the short lived peace.

During the battle, I got a few scratches and cut, but nothing major. My hair was cut and now at shoulder length. "It'll grow back in a few days." I lift the smooth material and drop it again. "At least I can smile for a while." I sigh and land back on the ground.

"Good bye, mother, dad. I'll see you again this week." I bow on my knees and my sword returns to where ever it came from but my clothing stays the same. "Looks like I'll have to go shopping again." I look down at my large bust, the seams of my armour unthreading. "Great, I only bought my uniform last week and it's already too small." I sweat drop and pull my jacket around me more to warm yourself up as I fly back home.

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