Chapter 6: Research

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After my first day, I didn't mind showing up for training. I asked Age-senpai if I could watch over the other girls' battle so I can think of better tactics in battle. This time, I thought I should at least try getting there earily to make up for being late. "I wonder if they actually took my advice?" I questioned myself, looking up at the sky. Hogo shrugged and made a squeaking noise. "Oh right. You weren't there. Nevermind." I pat his head, while he sat on my own, and I put my hands behind my head. "At least I can show a bit more emotion today. I let out almost all my energy repairing the village, defending it and with the travelling costs." I thought about how I would use my time of freedom. I turned into the school gates and saw my instructor just going through the front door.

"Age-Senpai!" I shout and start running after him, my face blank, Hogo clinging onto my hair to stay on my head. I didn't have my hoodie today because it was drying. I also couldn't wear my uniform because it was ripping, so I wore a white summer dress, the top half loose but tightened by a golden ribbon just under my chest, then looser then on down, and white sneakers. He turned around saw me running at him, for some reason, he immediately got a nose bleed.

"Akasuki, wh-why aren't you wearing your uniform?" He started to panic and I gave him a handkerchief. "It got too small already and I had to wash it because it was dirty. This is the only thing that fits me at the moment." I lift up the ends of the skirt and drop them again, not understanding why he had a sudden injury and not bothering to ask. "Wh-What did you call me for again?" He held the handkerchief to his nose as we walked to class. "I wanted to watch over the team's fighting techniques. That way I can resolve better tactics." I explain, shoving my hands in the pockets of my summer dress. "Right, but I thought you didn't like fighting?" He asked, checking to see if his nose was still bleeding. "I don't believe in it, but that doesn't mean I won't help others succeed. If they're going to do it, they might as well do it right and have the best chance of winning." I explain. "Sorry about the handkerchief." He offers it back. "It's fine." I sigh and throw it in a nearby trash can. We walked the rest of the way in silence.

Age-senpai showed me the other's reports and their weapons. "Their preferred battle positions are in their files. Also why they are becoming fighters. You should have a look." He turns to the board to write today's criteria. "It's fine. I learn more by seeing it in the present, Age-senpai." I tell him. "You don't have to be formal with us, Akasuki. You're part of our family now." He places his hands on my desk and leans in. "You can still have a look for their objectives. They'll know your's soon, make it fair ground." He states.

At that moment, the door opens and my teammates come in. "Kanata! Why are you being a pervert again!?" Flostre-Senpai and Miss Whitale start chasing him around the room. "Are you okay, Akasuki?! He didn't hurt you, did he?" Miss Eisenach rushes over to me. "I'm fine, Mi-." I cut myself off and think of what Age-senpai said. "I'm fine, Lecty. He was just giving me some advice." I smile to them. She blushes for some reason.

"Akasuki, did you cut your hair?" Goddess Rico comes over. "Oh, yeah, about that. My magic energy over flows sometimes and the only place it can go is into my hair, and, um, the obvious." I point to my chest, blushing. I wanted to make a lie so they didn't know I had escaped to the surface last night. It's not exactly a good thing to do. "So when you used your magic in training yesterday?" Lecty looks at me, fascinated. "Yeah, I used more than I meant to yesterday. That's also why I was rather rude. When I lock my magic away, I have to lock my emotions with it, otherwise my powers would go out of control." I explain simply. "So you have big boobs because you're so powerful?!" Misora cries, Yuri-Senpai looking down at her own, small chest. "Yes." I stare blankly and go back to my work on the files, reading about my new allies.

In the battlefield, it seemed that Yuri and Lecty were on the front lines, Misora middle class and Rico at the back. The two front liners worked together well and made sure the bugs wouldn't reach even Misora as much as possible, Rico covering them. Still, some bugs got past them and to Misora. "Hey guys! You're letting too many through! I can barely keep up!" Misora complains. I write something down in my note books, Hogo napping next to me. "Sorry, Misora! We'll try harder!" Lecty shouted back. "Rico! Pay attention and cover us!" Yuri told the self confident girl. "A Goddess shouldn't have to train with commoners." She flips her hair and I write more in my notebook. The girls were continuously fighting with each other instead of the Beatles.

Suddenly, a bug had sneaked away from the pack and was heading right towards us. I prepared to block it's attack, but Kanata-Senpai stood in front of me with a black dagger, and stabbed the bug. "Watch it, girls!" He commands and they straighten up. While they fixed themselves, I stared at Kanata's back, remembering my passed loved. My bangs covered my eyes and my hair grew instantly. I was back to my old self once again. Hogo woke up and saw me. Kanata turned around to see what Hogo was making such a big deal of and saw my hair grow. "Akasuki, are you okay?" He floats over to me. "I'm fine." I stay looking down with no expression. "Please, excuse me." I quickly stopped using my flying magic and fell through the clouds. I heard the calls of my teammates as they tried following me, but I was going too fast. When I was close to the ground, I did the same as last night and escaped to my sanctuary, leaving my team behind to worry about me.

Although, I had forgotten that Hogo was still flying, so he was with them. And he knew exactly where I was going.

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