Chapter two

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Pic of Taigh. (Irish name pronounced- Thai gu - put together)

Lorcan's PoV

I love my job. I'm good at it and I'm a good boss. I might sound egotistical but I know it's true. We are finally starting to settle back into a routine. It's been a long year since the incident and we were all left shaken up. Kate has been going to her psychologist Pamela and I have to say she is very good. Kate rarely has nightmares anymore and she is starting to make friends with many of her school mates. It's joy to witness, except the bloody sleepovers that is, jeez thirteen year olds squeak and giggle a lot.

Theo had the trial against Mr Reed, we were all relieved that he got put behind bars for attempted rape. He's finally out of our lives and we are all happy about that. Ben, oh, Ben, my ever forgiving bro, he dropped the charges against the runt Will. He says he has his own reasons but just left it at that. If I seen him anywhere near any of us there will be trouble.

Everyone else has dealt with the situation the same, put it behind us and move on. Layla has moved into a nice small home that Rick set up for her. She's happily working in a small cafe close to home.  Dar's brother Ramos is still dating Tegan and he joined Tom's team. Sophia, their sister still lives close to her parents who visit often. Mama Grey, well what do you say about that tiny force of life. She swooped in and took over the Mammy role without asking. We are often fully stocked with frozen lasagnas or fresh cream cakes and the running joke is she's trying to fatten us up and settle us down.

So as I said we are finally getting back to normal. I get to the office with my brothers at eight am sharp everyday "look Theo there's where you used to hide out and spy on my sexy ass" I mock him only to get an elbow in the ribs from Rick. "Ow, I was joking big man, cool your chops and don't break mine" I say as we enter the elevator. He ignores me. When we get to the top floor I go to Bill, my secretary "good morning Bill, how's Jane and Todd" I ask. At the mention of his wife and son he lights up as usual "they're good how are you today sir" I roll my eyes "will you ever just call me Lorcan Bill? You've been here over six months, I've told you I'm not that formal. Ok, so what's on the agenda" Bill explains the run down of the day and we discuss what meetings I have.

I finally get to my office and get to work. Three hours later I am on the phone when my door bursts open, in comes Ben pout ready and bad mood obvious. I hold up my hand to tell him to wait until I'm off the phone. Five minutes later I'm done and he looks ready to burst "what's up with the boy?" I ask. "I want to go out to a club with some of my college friends but Dar and Rick say only if I bring a one of the team. I just want one night out without everything I do getting reported back. Because I know they do you know, they tell them everything cause they're scared of Rick. I'm fucking twenty years old not Kate's age" he rants.

I feel for him, I know I baby him too but they go mental he literally never leaves their side without one of the team and that's hard at his age. "Ok, I don't know if you will like this-" he stands up and says "for fuck sake Lor, not you too!" I get up and take him by the elbow "bite my head off why don't you. Now let me finish. How about I go with you but I'll hang about with the barman at the bar. I'll be there, I'll keep an eye on you but I won't report anything back and I won't interfere with your night unless somethings wrong." His face brightens immediately because he knows that I'm true to my word. Poor kid needs a bit of freedom for one night at least.

He starts peppering my cheeks with kisses something he's doing since he was a child. I laugh as he now takes my hand and leads me to Rick's office, we don't knock, never did before why start now. Theo and Dar are there and they all look suspicious at seeing Ben's happy face "what's going on?" Dar asks as he takes Ben in his arms. "Lor is going to come with me to the club!" He exclaims happily. "NO!" Rick and Dar shout together and I'm offended, well not really but hey. "Hey! What the fuck guys. I'm bringing him, now calm down and back off. Rick I raised him with you so don't open that gob of yours in protest and Dar just shut it" after my lil lecture I take Ben from his lover and bring him out to my office.

"Work here for a while, let them stew, you need someone to have your back and trust your bestest big bro to be that person. You man child" I laugh at his distasteful expression at being called that. I call Tegan and ask her to come chill by the bar with me tonight, she's all in for it, especially when it's "for a good cause". She believes Ben needs a good night out too. Not an hour has passed and there is a knock to my door, we both know who it is "go make up with your sexy man bro you know you want to" I nod toward the door as we both know it is Dar. He hates fighting with Ben just as much as Ben does. Ben hops up and goes out the door. I work through lunch until Bill makes me go eat.

When I get back Bill is not at his desk but I that's not uncommon, he's either copying something or out eating. I enter my office and I'm only half surprised when I find Taigh sitting in there. Who's Taigh you ask, he is an employee here and he's a fucking horny little twink that wants me to bend him over and fuck him. How do I know? He fucking tells me, that's how. He's always coming in here he'll find any excuse to get up here. I sigh "hello Taigh, what do you need?"  He stands and makes his way over to me "hi Lorcan, I need these signed please" he tells me all the while batting his eyelashes at me. I take the papers and sign, I can feel his eyes roam my body but I pay no attention to it.

I know why but I don't want to acknowledge why six months ago I would have pounded him over my desk in half a heartbeat but now, now, nothing at all. I won't go there and it pisses me off because there is only one fucking annoying reason why and that reason is him.

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