Chapter twelve

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Tom's PoV

He glups and nods but then chuckles, I don't know why because I'm deadly serious "I mean it. We are involved now and you will listen to us. No. More. Running. Got it?" He hides his face but agrees. Lorcan throws me a look and it only means one thing my affection for this boy is starting to show. The little fucker has gotten under my skin and I can't seem to pry him back out. Lor and I need to have a conversation because he can throw me all the looks he wants but I see the same affection coming from him too and I know we are both confused by it. Questions, a million bloody questions are floating in my mind but nows not the time to shift through them.

Taigh relaxes finally. It's so fucked up how he just accepts what we tell him. No man of twenty one should be programmed to believe that he is not good enough to make his own life decisions but Daniel really made him helpless. He treated him like he was a child, making all his decisions, taking over the bills and telling him he wasn't good enough to be alive. I know I wasn't there to witness these things but as a cop you learn to understand the timeline of abuse and the insight of a victims mind. They believe they have no where else to go and that the person who treats them badly is right in what they are saying. It's a learned helplessness that takes time to erase and that's exactly what Lor and I plan to do.

Until now, I saw Taigh as an obstacle in the way of our love but now I see the sad young man that used Lor as a means of affection. It's hard to hate the guy and he's brought out the overprotective bear in me and he's not going to regret it. I look at him and he's deep in thought but there's a little glow of happiness to him and instinctively I know it's because he's coming home with us. Life is about to get complicated. A sharp whistle pierces the quiet room and I realise the three of us are lost in our thoughts. Seems I'm not the only one feeling the tension in our complicated relationship. I see Rick and Kate enter the room. Its clear Rick was the whistle blower "can you guys get him some lunch or are you going to stare at him all day" Rick says making Lor and I uneasy and poor Taigh uncomfortable.

Lor scowls at him but gets up and leaves to do as Rick asks. Soon after he returns with a bowl of soup and fresh rolls for Taigh and light refreshments for the rest of us on a cart. We eat in comfortable silence but the second we've finished Rick gets down to business "right kid, tell me what you plan to do about your brother" he asks Taigh. Ever the caveman, straight to the point our Rick. "Um... He's in rehab" is the only answer we receive. Rick sighs "no kid! Are you going to press charges once he gets out. Do you plan on returning to your house once he does. Do you want-" ok I've had enough "Rick! Calm down he's hurt and needs rest. Can you do this later. Sorry Taigh. You don't need to make those decisions right now. I do insist you think about pressing charges" I tell him.

"NO! He's my only family. I know he was bad but he didn't mean it. It was the pressure of loosing our parents and taking over all the responsibility. Then his stupid friends and him decided to try drugs and that's when he started to hurt me. I know once he gets better he will be the best big brother that he always was" he is so positive that nobody in the room wants to disagree with him so we stay silent. Probably not the best idea but his innocence won us over. Lor breaks the tension by asking if he's chosen where he wants to live for now. As predicted he gives a nondescript answer because he's used to just doing as he's told. If I was into BDSM I'd say he makes the perfect submissive.

I take the initiative and say "ok. I think that means you don't mind where we go am I right?" He nods so I continue "Lor, your apartment it is. There are too many people in each of the other places. You'll be in here for a further two weeks so once your realised we can all move in there. Agreed?" They both nod but Taigh looks surprised. "What's up pup?" I ask. Of course he tries to hide from me again but I tilt his chin to make him face me. We really need to work on his self confidence. "Tell me!" I urge.

"It's,.. Em.. Just.. Ithoughtyouhateme!" He blurts out but I understand exactly what he said. Rick laughs knowingly as Lor scoffs. I don't react like that, no I simply tilt that chin in my direction once again and say "oh no pup, I don't hate you. Not anymore, now that you've come into our lives like a steam train I don't hate you at all" he blushes fiercely and ducks his beautiful face again. Rick scoffs this time and Kate squeals. Lor though, he just looks at me with a knowing smile and it's clear that the conversation is closer than either of us thought.

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