Chapter eleven

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Taigh's PoV

I can feel a hand on my own and I'm curious about who is holding it, I open my eyes and see a young girl holding my left hand and is looking worriedly at me. I don't know any teenagers, especially not a teenage girl "oh your awake, good the others will be here shortly they are talking to the doc. Do you need water or anything?" She asks as she raises one eyebrow. I start to answer no but as soon as I open my mouth I realise how dry and cracked my lips are so I nod instead. She pours some of the ice water from the jug on the side table and hands it to me. I sip on it as she fixes my pillows. She's very comfortable doing this like we know each other or something, she's only confusing me further. Why is she here? Who the heck is she? I'm about to find out.

"Em, who-" I try to find out who she is but I'm interrupted by the door opening "Kate! I told you to call us if anything changed" Lorcan scolds her. Ah, I get it now, this must be his little sister. "He just woke up, I was coming to get you in a minute. I wanted to make sure he got water and was comfortable first. He's the patient you know" Kate says and I can't help but think she is a very nice person, she's looking out for me and she doesn't even know me. Tom and Rick come in behind Lorcan and I can feel a blush creeping onto my cheeks. Come on! I'm in nothing but a bed gown and have nothing but a sheet over me. If I fucking pop a boner I'll die, why send three sexy bastards into my room God, why!.

Trying to keep it together I look at the bed but as soon as I do my face is turned upright again by a concerned looking Tom "are you ok? Your flush looking" he asks. Oh fuck me, just kill me now. Suddenly Kate bursts out laughing "Tom, leave him alone your making it worse" Tom and the others look at her like she has two heads which makes her laugh harder "you guys are useless" she opens the closet and takes out a quilt she folds it so its thicker and lays it across my lap and legs. She's a genius. "Here ya go  Taigh, you looked like you were a bit chilly" she says with a wink that only I can see and I know we are going to be friends. Especially when she buys me time to calm down by distracting the men for a couple of minutes with a story about someone at school.

Now I have my stupid hormones in check I need answers "em" I say and in an instant the attention in the room turns to me. Lor sits on the edge of my bed and asks what's wrong. My stomach is in knots but I have to ask "where is Daniel?" The look from one to the other but Tom nods at Lor telling him silently to answer. This is not good. With a sigh Lorcan faces me "we took him to rehab". No, no, no, I'm screwed. I know I'm a twenty one year old man but I haven't the best coping skills and I need my brother to look after things for me. I know he's a horrible bastard to me but I've never had to pay a bill in my life. Fuck! What am I going to do. He's going to kill me when he gets out. Oh shit, I never even though of that, he is going to be furious. I need to get out of here.

I start to get up but Tom gently pushes me back onto the bed. I know he's talking but it's muffled, I feel like I'm suffocating underwater. I feel my body get surrounded but it's a peaceful feeling rather than the horrendous feeling from before. I hear a heartbeat at my ear and Lorcan's calming voice at my other ear "count Taigh, count Toms heartbeats. Come on brat you can do it. Count and calm down for us. That's it good boy." Why the fuck hearing him call me a good boy has such an effect on me I'll never know but the joy I feel from it is unprecedented. I relax and gradually I realise that I'm pressed into Toms front and Lorcan is pressed against my back. If I didn't have so much to worry about id be fucking thrilled. Sadly though, I do have too much to worry about.

I push slightly and they get the hint to let go but they both keep one hand on me, I'm not complaining. Lorcan speaks first as I notice we are alone, thank God. That was embarrassing enough without Kate and Rick seeing it too. I turn my attention to Lorcan as he tells me "your ok, calm down now. We are not going anywhere. You are one of our family now and we look out for our own. You are not going back to your house, you are coming home with us. There are more than enough rooms at the mansion or I have an apartment we could go to and finally Tom has an apartment but he lives with three other guys. You are not alone in this ok.".

Tom takes it from there "personally, I think lorcans place for now. I'll stay there with you two and once we get you settled we can move on from there. The choice is yours ok pup. But let me tell you one thing" he says in a more serious tone "if you run away again you'll be a very sorry boy" I gulp but nod. No way am I ever turning down a chance to live with the two men who haunt my every fantasy, nope not me.

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