Chapter seven

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Hi if anyone has read chapter six and you see it's updated it was only two spelling mistakes I corrected ok.

Tom's PoV

The pup did a runner and its hit me hard "shit Lor, what if he went home. He could be hurt worse than before. We need to follow him now!" I demand. I must look as frantic as I feel because Lor takes me into his arms for the second time today and it's so shocking that I freeze. I don't know what happening but I'm not going to grumble. The man I love so much is starting to return the sentiment and I'm grateful for that. "Calm down, we will get him don't worry. Come on sit down" he leads me to the couch that Taigh was sleeping on and as soon as I sit I panic more for the little guy.

"We can't just sit Lor he's out there!" I shout, no, I almost bellow. Lorcan hands me a glass with amber liquid in it and I don't hesitate as I knock it back feeling the burn slide down my throat. Fingers under my chin raise my face to meet Lorcan's beautiful eyes that are filled with worry. "Love" he calls me and my heart is conflicted. It bounces with happiness at the endearing name but it beats with worry for Taigh. "Love, look at me. Come back to me please. Now, I was going to wait until you were ready but there is no way you are going after Taigh in this state. Now please tell me why this situation has gotten you to the point of a near panic attack. You know you can trust me, don't you." He reassures me. It's in that moment my fears of rejection leave, I see it finally. It's there in his eyes, in his concern and in his body language, he loves me.

If the circumstances were different I would jump him right now but they are not. I take a deep breath to calm myself down. I hate remembering and it hasn't effected me in years but it's feels like history is repeating itself. The big difference this time though, I'm no kid anymore and this time I can certainly make sure the outcome is not the same.

I steel myself and say "Luke Green. Luke Green was my best friend from the time we met in school as two four year old, friendless, kids. We gelled from that first day and we rarely fought. As luck would have it we were in the same class all the way through school. Our parents rarely met, usually only my mom and his at the yard or if we arranged to go to each other's houses. I once asked my father to collect Luke and drop us to a friends birthday party this was the first time that happened and his father opened the door to let him out. Later I overheard my father tell my mother he thought there was something "a bit off" about Luke's dad but I didn't see him a lot or go to there house much so I just didn't understand. How was a ten year old supposed to know the signs of danger. Luke always seemed fine, sure he seemed tired but he never acted out of character" I sigh but go on.

"That is until his mom left, she just packed up her stuff and was gone one morning. Poor Luke certainly changed then. For two weeks he withdrew from me. I tried everything to get my best bud back but nothing worked. I talked to my mom and she told me it might just be a phase of sadness because of his mom so I gave him another week before I confronted him again. That day he told me to fuck off, that I wouldn't even understand. I told him I might not but I would help him, to which he replied, no I couldn't. As he was leaving I was so hurt it must have shown because he hugged me and said "I'm just scared ok, I'll see you tomorrow bestie". The next morning my mother gently shook me awake, the first thing I noticed was the tears in her eyes and the sorrowful look on my fathers face as he stood behind her." I stop talking because I feel sick suddenly and I rush to the trash can in the corner to puke.

Lor is behind me in an instant rubbing my back. Once I'm done he hugs me closely and tightly until I'm once again calm. He takes me to his bathroom and gives me a new toothbrush and some toothpaste to clean my mouth. I need to finish the story so I go back to the couch and sit down. I shake my head as I see Lor getting ready to talk "it's ok precious, I'm ok. They told me that Luke killed himself. The police said that he was found in our local park hanging from our favourite tree. Of course the police didn't know that it was our favourite tree, I found that out later which was like another kick in the balls. I couldn't believe it, I tried so hard to get him to talk but it was no use. His mother came forward and told them that she'd left to find shelter from her abusive husband but she intended to come get Luke once she found it and help. She didn't think her husband would turn on his son the way he turned on her, therefore, she'd left him behind temporarily. It was too late and I don't think she'll ever forgive herself for that" I look up at Lor and see tears in his eyes.

He grabs me again and I'm getting used to his tight hugs "I'm such a pig. I pushed you away and rejected you just like your best friend I'm so sorry. I.. I.." I push him away quickly and stop his rant "no Lor your nothing like him that was a totally different thing. I know where your mind is going with this but it's not the same ok! Don't say anything you don't mean just because I had a sad time in my childhood. Tell me when you mean it ok. Do you see now why I need to get to Taigh. He annoys me when he throws himself at you but I would never allow this to go on. We have to save that little pup, whether he likes it or not." I nod determinedly at the end and kiss Lor with all the passion I can. I know he feels bad but I'm not going to let that happen, he is nothing like poor Luke.

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