Chapter ten

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Toms PoV

Conflicting emotions are running through my head as I drive to the unknown location that Lor is giving me directions to. One, I'm over the moon. He finally admits he loves me too, not in the most romantic of ways but that's why I love him. Two, I'm so fucking angry I want to stop the car and beat the shit out of its third occupant, dickhead Daniel. Three, I'm torn up over the pup. Seeing him lying helpless on that bed made my stomach churn with worry for the little guy. He didn't deserve any of the crap his stupid brother threw his way. And finally, four, a deep sense of thankfulness toward him. That blade was going straight through a main artery and I was dead if not for him. I know this from the placement it went through on his body, comparing his height to mine it's easy to tell the guy saved my skin.

Ok, enough of this shit "Lorcan Wallace, tell me where the hell we are going this instant!" Oops, guess I just added annoyed at Lorcan to my list. He shrugs and continues to give me directions. Just as I take another right and begin to shout at him again he pops up his hand and says "we're here, chill your boots". He then glances in the rear view mirror saying "3..2..1. Yep!" At the same time Daniel shouts "No way, am I going in there!". Confused I look out the front window at the building we come to a stop in front of and I understand immediately. We have come to a rehab centre.

With a deadly tone Lorcan turns to face Daniel "you will go in there. You'll go and you'll get yourself together and until you do, you will never see Taigh again. If you refuse, my lovely boyfriend and I will turn this car right around and the next stop is his old precinct. Yes he's an ex cop. Now unbuckle and move your ass. This is the only reason you were allowed to see Taigh tonight with us. I wanted you to have a clear picture of what you did, how he looked in that bed before you left him. How long your gone, it's up to you. Just know that he's part of the Wallace gang now and trust me you don't want to take us on. So Daniel, what'll be?".

It makes sense now and I want to kiss him, it might seem sadistic to do this to him but it's actually not. Yes he'll stew with guilt in there but it will also serve as motivation to get better if he really cares for the kid like he says he does. "I'm scared. I'm sorry. I won't ever hur-" I'm not listening to him squirm so I interrupt "you won't get a fucking chance. Now, in or out?" He looks the twenty three year old kid he is and not the fool hardy punk we met in the kitchen but he won't get any sympathy from us. He was man enough to beat up his younger brother, he can be man enough to face this. I do empathise with him, it's gonna be hard but he'll never know that I feel this way.

After a few minutes he opens the door. Seeing him make the right decision Lorcan throws him a bone and decides to go in with him to get the paperwork done. He's too soft. I wait in the car going through work emails until he returns. As soon as he gets in I voice my thoughts "your too soft precious, he could have gone in alone" woah! It was the wrong thing to say. He rounds on me next as he tells me "he might by a stupid bully but he's lost. He was off his face all day on God knows what, did you think he was capable of filling out forms and checking himself in. It's not always nice to be so hard on someone. Yes he did wrong, more than wrong but he just dealt with a bad situation by making it worse. He knows he fucked up, now he has to live with it. Jeeze Tom show a little compassion".

Fuck this "No Lor, he choose to take drugs instead of getting help. Taigh lost his parents too. They are were both adults, sure Taigh was only nineteen two years ago but he choose to live on and try. Daniel was hardly saddled with a tot, no, he was left to look out for his brother. There is only two years between them so it's not like he need to put his life on hold to look after him, he just needed to be there for him. He choose to beat him and blame him instead. So, no, I won't have compassion for him" we are both fuming and it's getting to a bad level. This is the thing with loving someone like yourself, you love with a passion but fight with equal passion.

The car ride home is silent and I know this won't be discussed again this night. We're both too mad. We reach the Wallace mansion and Lor gets out first. He goes straight to the garage and takes the keys to his motorcycle. My heart leaps in my chest, I don't want him driving that thing mad, or at all would be best. I hop out of the car and run toward him asking him to wait, thankfully I reach him as he's about to leave. I grab his arm and tug him off the bike. I eagerly but gently pull off his helmet. Before he can speak I kiss the ever loving shit out of him. I feel the tension in his body so I back him up against the wall of the garage.

I pull away from his mouth as he's relaxing and kiss down his neck and torso making him moan. I start talking in between kisses and I know he's listening "I'm. Sorry. Your right. I have been hard on him. I just hate what's he's done to Taigh. Please. Let's not fight. I don't want this to be the day you realise you love me and then hate me all in one. Please let's go to bed. Let me make it up to you baby. Please don't drive that thing mad. Stay baby. I. Love. You." I finish kissing his lips after each word of I love you. He's gone slack in my arms now and it's his turn to kiss me passionately. He then looks up and smiles. Now I know it's over and we are ok. His eyes flash full of lust then and now, I know who's getting bottomed tonight. Oh it's lucky I love him.

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