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"Did your plan work with Jane? Are you goings over to see the wand?" Jay who was sitting next to me asked Mal, I was braiding his hair, Evie was sitting by the window seat, Mal on the couch flipping through her spell book, Carlos was leaning on the edge of my bed while petting his new dog friend, dude. Lizzy was probably hanging out with Harmony or something.

"Do you think that I would be going through every single spell in this book. If I hadn't completely struck out?!" Mal exclaimed, I pulled Jay's hair making him groan, he gave me a glare and I glared back, "Oh, someone's in a bad mood." Carlos teased, I tapped on his shoulder while holding onto Jay's hair, "Mom's counting on her," I say and Mal nodded, "Exactly! I can't let her down! At least (y/n) won't feel what I feel cause she's perfect! Mom adores her!" Mal exclaimed putting the spell book down, "Hey Mom treated us equally, you weren't there when she gets mad at me and gets physical! You just have staring contest with her so shut up! Also she wouldn't put this all on you if you agreed to go to Auradon in the first place." I told her, she clenched her jaw and turn to me, her eyes glowing green, I let out a cackle, "Mal you wouldn't beat me in that, My eyes glow 24/7 but anyways..." I let go of Jay's hair and leaned close to her making my blue and purple glow turn into a darker shade.


(Y/n) made her eyes glow and it was turning darker in just a second, the tips of her hair turned blue and it looked like fire... (Y/N) YOUR HAIR! Suddenly the room had a blue and purple Haze turning black, I turn to Jay and Carlos, they were staring, It was getting out of control since Mal's eyes turned into a darker shade of green, I got off of the window seat and waved my hands in front of them. Mal blinked and her eyes returned to her natural eyes, "Ha- I win, no surprise there." (Y/n) mocked and her glowing eyes turn back to its normal shade, Light blue and Purple. I took a seat on my bed, "Guys... We can do this... If we stick together so no fighting. And we won't go back until we do. Because we're rotten..." I told them, they all turn to me, "To the core." Everyone continued.


"Oh, yeah. I found out that fairy godmother blesses Ben with the wand at coronation and we all get to go. I have nothing to wear, of course." Evie informed us, Suddenly someone knocked on the door, "What?" Evie asked, Mal looked at her before standing up, "Hold that thought." Mal walked to the door and opened it revealing Ben. I grabbed Jay's hair and started braiding him again.

"Hey, Mal. I didn't see you guys today." Ben smiled, "I was just wondering If you had any questions or anything...That... you needed..." Ben trailed off, Mal looked back at us and most of us shrugged at her, "Not that I know of." Mal says turning back to him.

"Okay. All right Well, uh, If you need anything, just, uh..." Ben stuttered, "Oh, wait!" Mal suddenly shouts, "Um, is it true that we all get to go to your coronation?" She asked and Ben nodded, "Yeah, the whole school goes." He answered. "Wow. That is beyond exciting. Do you think that It's a possibility that the six of us could stand in the front row next to the fairy godmother, just so we could soak up all that goodness?" She mentioned, Basically I have nothing to say about this cause I'm busy playing with Jay's hair.

"I wish you could, Up front It's just me, my folks, my girlfriend and my sister's boyfriend but she doesn't have any so scratch that, or probably girlfriend, I saw her hitting off with your friend Lizzy." Mal gawked, "And your girlfriend?" She asked, Ben nodded like an idiot again, "Yeah. I'm sorry."

"Okay. Thanks, bye," Mal says swing the door,   "Oh, but, no, there's plenty of..." She already closed the door completely and I was done with Jay's hair. "Wow the hair is beautiful," I say and Jay smirks, "Thanks-" "But your face looks like a shit," I laughed and he gave me look, "Hey!" I laughed even more, "I- could give- you make- up but it- won't ahahah make it better! Ahahah," I laughed and flopped on my bed, Jay groans and grabs my pillow pushing it to my face as I keep laughing.

"I think It's time that Bennyboo got himself a new girlfriend. And I need a love spell." I heard Mal say, I pushed the pillow out of my face and laid my head on jay's lap, Mal held her hand up and Carlos grabbed her spell book before throwing it at her, "Oh, and (y/n) I was wondering, where is lizzy?" She asked, "With Harmony, they've been going out together lately." I answered and pushed Jay's hair out of my face since he was brushing it on my face on purpose. Mal sighed and sat back on the couch.

"Heard you guys were talking about me?" Lizzy suddenly says barging in, "Oh my gosh! Lizzy are you okay?!" Evie exclaimed, "Yeah i'm doing okay... Why?" Lizzy asked, jay patted on my head and I look up at him, he pointed to his neck and gestures to Lizzy. "You look like you were strangled by the neck!" Evie says walking up to her, poor girl didn't know what it was, Only Jay, Carlos and I knew what it was making us exchange perfect looks.

"Is that what a hickey looks like? Who gave you?" Evie questions her making Lizzy blush, "Ohhhhh." Carlos, Jay and I teased making her blush even more before sitting down on her bed. "Tell us." Mal and Evie says getting curious. Hey random fact, Jay was the first guy who gave me a hickey back then when we were attending Dragon Hall and before I looked at him as a brother. Okay back to the story cause this wasn't necessarily at all.

"Well, I went out with Harmony, just like everyday and we went to the rose garden. I suddenly pulled her into a kiss and she kissed back then this happened..." She says showing three hickeys dammmm, jay wolf whistled. Lizzy started spacing out and blushed madly as if she saw a flashback- which I'm sure is true. "OH MY GOD!" Evie exclaimed after gasping, "I'm so Happy for you! Normally people doesn't agree with Same gender relationship but I'm not like them! I'll support you two!" Evie says hugging Lizzy, I pushed jay out of the way and hugged Lizzy and Evie. "I'm so proud of you!" I exclaimed hugging them closer.

"Okay enough," the three of us stopped hugging, I sat next to Carlos. "Let's just hope Belle and Beast approve so you can go up front with (y/n) at the coronation." Mal said, everyone including I nodded. My eyes widen of realization and screamed, "What?! Why me?!" Mal laughed, "Because you're good at playing along," she told me and I shook my head no, "N-n-n-n-n-no no nooo no," I sang, get you get the reference? Mal pouted, I shook my head, "No way in Auradon am I stealing your crush, Ben's not my type." I told her and she gave me puppy eyes, I grabbed a pillow and hugged it, "Still no. And besides, Mom's counting on you and she'll see you in tv." I showed her a wry smile making her groan. "I hate you!" Mal remarks throwing a pillow at me but I dodged and it hit Carlos, dude got off of him and ran to the window seat. "I hate you too!" I playfully saod then threw the pillow at Mal as Carlos tried to hit her- he accidentally let go of it hitting jay. Jay threw a pillow at Carlos but I held his wrists and pulled him to the side of the corner, Evie and Lizzy avoided the flying pillows while screaming and covering their faces. Mal was taking cover below Evie's working station- her table. Dude was barking while waggling his tail.

After a few moments, Jay burst out laughing, Carlos was snickering behind me, Evie and Lizzy were giggling like school girls. Mal was laying on the ground laughing.

Hello my dudes, Did you know, Harmony was originally a guy when I started this fanfic and before I edited it. His name was originally Daniel short for Dan, so like Ben and Dan, I changed his gender and name because I thought Harmony is a cute ass name and I saw Bridget Satterlee on Google and sorta reminded me of Ben's actor Mitchell Hope so I was like, What if his twin was female and likes Lizzy? That would be cute. And there you have it, The birth of Harmony pfft-

Also when Daniel existed in the fanfic, He placed a black leather jacket with red rose embroidery design on Lizzy when she was asleep at the rose garden.

And then (y/n) can read minds before because of her Fairy genes........ But like, I said to myself, She'd read weird thoughts... So I scratched that and made her have Weird thoughts ahahha

Made: 1776 New York City in 2015 BIG BRAIN
Edited: August 2-3 2019
Published: August 4 2019


*•°Disney Descendants X Reader *•°❇Book 1❇Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora