Chapter 10: BENNYBOO?

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The next morning, we were hanging out by the lockers cause they have tables there, we were eating Lizzy's cookies while Mal's love cookie was in a paper bag, eco friendly Ohonhonhon- wait... papers are made out of trees... Nvm at least it's better than plastic...

"Are you feeling kind of weird about this? I mean, It's not so bad here, you know." I heard jay say after finishing all his cookies, "Are you insane? Long live evil! You're mean! You're awful! You're bad news! Snap out of it!" Mal reminded him before munching on a cookie- yeah evil. Why do you look innocent eating a cookie though? Meanwhile, Lizzy was handing out cookies to Harmony, Doug and Maria.

"Thanks, Mal. I needed that." Jay told her, Mal closed her eyes as if saying, 'Ikr' Some girls greeted me and took a seat at another table, jay turn to me and showed his teeth, "You're all good," I told him and he smiled at me before leaving and went over to the girls.

"Do you think they actually paid for those?" I heard a certain bitch asked Ben, "Oh, hello. The name's Jay. You all going to the tourney game tonight?" Jay asked the girls, "Yeah." I rolled my eyes, probably one of the reasons he thinks this place isn't so bad. "Keep a lookout for number eight, all right?" Jay told them, they responded with a yes then giggled to themselves.

Mal walked up to her locker, while Harmony, Lizzy and Maria was standing in front of my Locker.
"She did it to Jane's hair, too, and fairy godmother's not happy about it." I heard Audrey whisper, Doug and Evie were eating cookies, "What's the harm?" Ben asked, "It's gateway magic! Sure, it starts with the hair. Next thing you know It's the lips and the legs and the clothes and then everybody looks good and then... where will I be?" Audrey whined, I rolled my eyes and shoved one cookie in my mouth and chewed it. Carlos was feeding dude besides me. "Isn't chocolate dangerous to dogs?" I asked, Carlos nodded, "Yeah I read it in the internet so I asked Lizzy to bake me dog treats that looks like chocolate chip cookie so dude won't be left out." He says then smiled making my heart melt, I can't handle this precious boy! Somebody saveeee mee-

"Listen, Audrey... I will see you at the game after my dress-fitting for the coronation, okay?" Ben says, he obviously didn't want Audrey to continue talk shit about us, "Okay. Bye, Bennyboo." She told him and turn to me scowling, I just gave her a mocking smile and she walked away fuming.

Mal closed her locker and turn to ben, "Hey, Bennyboo!" Mal greeted, I snorted, Carlos was watching them. "Hey." Ben says not minding the nickname. "I just made a batch of cookies. Double chocolate chip, do you want one?" Mal asked him holding up the paper bag with the love cookie, Ben stared at it for a second, "Oh, I, uh, I've got a big game. I don't eat before a big game. But thank you so, so much. Thank you. Next time," He kindly declined, Mal nods her head, "No, yeah I completely understand 'Be careful of treats offered by kids of villains'." Mal pointed out, Harmony and Maria turn to them, "No, no, no." Ben refused, Mal a looked a bit sad. "No, I'm sure every kid
in Auradon knows that." She said and huffed.

"What's happening?" Harmony asked me and held hands with Lizzy, "Mal's confessing her love, Japanese style~" I teased. Harmony's eyes widen, "Oohh..." She says and I nodded snickering, "Ben won't take it though." I added, "Well, he is Ben, He's cautious most of the time." Harmony says, "No, that's not it. No, no, no, I... I really do..." Ben says, "No, I get it You're cautious. That's smart." Mal says hearing what Harmony said. "Um..." Harmony let go of Lizzy's hand and rolled her eyes, "For goodness sake, let me help them out..." Harmony says and walked over to them, "Oh, well, more for me, Since Lizzy's cookies were fantastic I wonder what Mal's cookie taste like-" Harmony said and pulled the cookie out of the paper bag and slowly placed it in her mouth, Ben reached out for the cookie and shoved it in his mouth because Harmony would.

You know what? The plan wouldn't go according to plan if it weren't for Harmony! Hats off to you girl! "What does it tastes like?" Maria wondered as she moved closer to them, Carlos and I got off of our seat and moved closer to them with jay behind Ben. Doug and Evie were doing the same but Doug was just copying us, "No, no. Hey... see that?" Ben said with his mouth full, Harmony gagged, "Eww bro bro, Don't talk your mouth when your mouth is full." she scolded, she turned to me, "Anyways me, Lizzy and Maria would go to the bleachers and save us seats." I nodded and the three of them left.

"I totally trust you guys. Totally." Ben said and blinked, "How are they?" Mal asked him, "They're good. They're great! They're amazing! They're, uh... I mean, they're chewy and, and you know, that walnuts? I love walnuts. I mean, uh, you know, the...The chocolate...The... the chocolate...The chocolate chips are...I'm sorry. Um...Uh, they're...They're warm and soft. And they're sweet...Mal, have you always had those little golden flecks in your eyes?" He rambled, Jay placed both of his hands on Ben's shoulders, "How you feeling, bro?" He questioned, Ben smiled like Jamming-yay Pikachu from bnha- so basically, Dumb. "I feel... I feel...I feel like...Like singing your name. Maaalll Mal-" Mal quickly covered the goat's mouth, I gotta say, This will be fun.

Made: Ba ba black sheep- 2015
Edited: August 3 2019
Published: August 4 2019


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