Eternal Gratitude

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Eternal Gratitude

©2012, Olan L. Smith


The spirit's tether that binds is difficult to sever,

But assuredly this bound was destined to be forever,

Our life is ordained for ambitious moments, of this I am certain,

As our life-force grows dim it is not the final curtain,


Rather a call "Front and center," stand proud upon this stage

The heavens are yours to roam and explore and thus the courage

Your spew sprinkles the night sky with dazzling residue―

Sol creates a comet's tail, whose orbit you pursue


Flung outward deep in darkness a soul does return

Come tomorrow or a thousand more an escape to discern?

Our duty lays with Helios, provider of life ― his mighty magnitude

Holds fast what is his, and for that we have eternal gratitude

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