Bad Dreams

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Do you ever sit on your bed and think about life? I do. Is it even your bed? Mine's not. No, I'm on someone else's bed.

In Kelcy's house. Waiting for Niall to come back from her room. Listening to Zayn calm Harry down. I think about Louis. Is he really dead? Is he really a demon? Am I a demon? Is Niall his son? My head is spinning, I'm so confused.

Soon, Harry is calmed down, and Zayn is helping him get to bed. I watch the door, waiting for Niall to enter.

"Why isn't he back yet?" I ask, looking at Zayn. "Who?" He questions. "Niall." I reply. "Oh... Why?" Zayn asks. "Because he should be back." I say.

Then the door opens. Zayn sighs and rolls his eyes.

"Liam!" Niall gasps. "See Niall he was just sleeping." Zayn grumbles. "Liam...Gah." Niall gasps, bending over in pain.

Well this is new.

Last time I checked, Niall just ignored us and went to bed. Not bending over in pain.

"Niall are you ok?" I ask scared to go near him. He lets out a whimper. "O-only I can save us... They will all be gone." Niall whispers.

His eyes turn dark blue. "Only I can save you." He repeats. "Ohhh thats good. I know now! Only me!" I think he's lost it.

Then, Niall's running towards the bathroom.


It sucks i know.

Please read this authors note, its important.

Oh Nothing will live on. There is one last chapter thats going to be short. Then, A new book will be published called The Demon's Child.

It is the first book in the new series of Oh Nothing!

Which means, MORE OH NOTHING!



A Reunion For Revenge.One Direction Murder/horror Book Three of Oh NothingWhere stories live. Discover now