A Flash Of Light.

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I watch as my mum falls to the floor. "What? NO!" I yell. I try and get out of my chair, but I cant. "I killed her, Niall." Clara smirks. "No...." I gasp. "Yes. Now. Lest meet your father." All I see is a flash of light as the grey room fades.

"But how are.... We're almost the same age! This is... Wrong!" I hear someone yelling. "Don't listen to her. Liam there are...... Niall..." A brown haired boy gasps looking at me. Everyone in the room turns around, all eyes are on me. "How the hell did he get here?" A boy with curly hair asks. "I....." I try and get up, but of course, I'm still tied to the chair.

"Oh, my god. Y-Your real." Another brown haired boy gasps. Just to clear up things, all the boys here seam to have brown hair. "Yes I'm real now help me!" I yell. The boy closer to me, jumps a little, running over to help me get out of the chair. Once I'm free, I kinda sit there, unsure of what to do. "Niall..." The first boy to talk to me me says, tears welling up in his eyes.

No.... It cant be. "A-are you my father?" I ask. The boy, or man, nods. I stare at him. I...I just never imagined he'd be so.... young.

But yet again my mother was younger than me. I think. "I-I never thought I'd see you again." my father gasps.


I look at Niall. The boy who's been haunting my dreams the past few months. Seeing him in person. Its just weird. I look at Niall, he's real. Its just weird.

I look at Louis. "S-so he's your son? A-and so am I?" I ask, praying its not true. "He is, you.... I don't remember ever. And I mean EVER being attracted to this bitch." Louis says, motioning to Kelcy. I feel a wave of relief.


I sit awkwardly in the chair, not sure of what to do. A boy, whos not my father is looking at me weirdly. And I mean weirdly. "I-is anyone going to tell me what's going on?" A draker haired boy asks.

"Zayn.... Thats Niall...My son." My dad says.

"What? But he's so.... young." The boy, I've learnt goes by Zayn gasps. "I know.... I'm from the future." Louis says. "No.... Your lying." Zayn says. "No.... He's not." Someone says.

I look at the boy, he has shorter brown hair, and big brown eyes. "I've seen it..." He whispers. "W-What have you seen..?" I ask.

"You...." The boy says. "Liam..." My dad says, his tone warning. "No. I know what I saw. Louis, you were dead, Zayn, Harry, Niall and I were all kidnaped and somehow we keep going back in time to that same spot. And every time we do Harry is crying saying 'I-I miss him so much!" Liam yells.

Then I remember it.

Liam's pov

I look at Niall. "And you are with Kelcy.... She's hurting you." I say.

Then, Niall's eyes turn bright. "I see it..... I see your past." He says, his accent turning deeper. "I can... AHHHH!" Niall screams as his eyes light up, the light seams to come out of his eyes.

Everything turns white. I close my eyes.

I open my eyes... And hear the sound of crying.



I deserve an award.

haha Questions!

1) was it good?

2) Are you wanting more?

3) Confused? I am haha

4) You'll hate the ending btw I have it planned and everything.


A Reunion For Revenge.One Direction Murder/horror Book Three of Oh NothingWhere stories live. Discover now