True Colors

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Serena's POV

Barbara opened the door on the first knock.
"Barbara!" I yelled and hugged her.
"Serena! Happy birthday sweetheart. What are you doing here?" She asked.
"I came here with Lee." I replied.
Barbara looked at Lee, and smiled.
"Hello Barbara." Lee replied.
"Hi Lee. How do you know my Serena?" She asked.
"She's my boyfriend's niece." Lee replied.
I stiffened as Barbara's smile slowly faded.
Then she turned around and signaled us to walk in.
"Serena, there is a surprise for you in your bedroom, why don't you go check it out?" Barbara asked.
I grinned at her, and hugged her.
"Thank you Barbara!" I replied, and then hurried off to my bedroom. When I got into the room I noticed a box on the bed. I walked over and opened the box. Inside was a heart necklace made of gold, with ruby vines around it. It was beautiful. I grinned and went over to my mirror, and put it on. I loved it!


Lee's POV

I watched as Serena walked off to her old bedroom. I desperately wanted to tell her to stay with me, but I let her go get her gift. She was more comfortable with Barbara then me.
"Sweet girl, isn't she?" Barbara asked, as we sat down.
"Very. I love her." I replied.
"Me too. I still think of her as my niece. Well, I kind of think of her as the daughter I never had." Barbara replied.
"That's very sweet." I replied.
Barbara stood up and walked over to the window.
"So let's start from the beginning. How was your childhood?" I asked.


Serena's POV

I head down the hallway, excited to tell Barbara about how much I love the necklace.
"I realized he was taking me to my parents house." Barbara's voice said.
I froze and leaned against the wall. I decided to listen.
"So we went inside, and he tied them up. Told me to talk to them." Barbara continued.
"And?" Lee asked.
That's when I walked into the room, but I sat down on the couch in the living room.
"They still wouldn't listen. They looked at me, clueless. Even when I was stabbing their throats." Barbara replied.
I froze.
Did she just say... Stabbed?
Lee looked just as freaked as I was.
"Barbara. You didn't kill you parents. He did." Lee said slowly.
Barbara had a crazy look in her eyes.
"Oh no, I killed them. I stabbed them. Both. Repeatedly."  Barbara said.
Then I saw both of their eyes go to the knife on the table.
I felt fear rise in me.
"I'd like to leave now." Lee said standing up.
Barbara sprinted to the knife.
"You uncomfortable? How about now?" Barbara asked.
"Lee run!" I screamed.
Barbara's eyes darted to me, a small smile danced onto her lips as she walked toward me.
"Barbara... How could you kill your own parents?" I asked, my voice shaky.
"Serena. You don't know what they did to me. They didn't want me." Barbara replied, the knife dancing in her fingertips.
"Barbara, please. Put down the knife." I stammered.
"No! Lee deserves to die. Who would you pick, me or her?" Barbara asked.
She's completely crazy.
I gulped as Barbara gave me a crazy stare.
I was buying Lee time.
"You Barbara! Your the closest thing I have to a mother in Gotham!" I cried out.
"Good choice." Barbara replied, and then sprinted toward the bathroom door.
I let out a breath, and then sprinted toward the front door. I had to find Jim! I unlocked it, but I realized the noise was loud. The clawing on the bathroom door stopped, as footsteps came toward me. I sprinted to the couch.
"Serena." Barbara called.
"Yes Barbara?" I asked.
"Make sure, no one gets in that door." Barbara replied.
"Yes Barbara." I stammered.
Barbara began to stab at the bathroom door. I heard screaming and then Lee and Barbara fought in the living room.
Lee pinned Barbara down and began to hit her against the floor. Barbara was out by the second hit.
"Lee stop! She's knocked out! Your going to kill her!" I cried.
Lee wouldn't stop, so I tried to pull her off of Barbara.
Then Jim bursted into the room.

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