Entry 5

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I'm not even counting the dates anymore. I don't even care anymore. Then again, I haven't cared for several years. Who could if they were in my place?

Nobody even noticed when I blatantly walked into their bedroom, took the container of my mother's prescription and went back to my room.

Nobody noticed the sounds of my self harm, and me making myself vomit. I just want to die in a body that is me.

You know, I'm really hoping this works. I also wish the people who seem to know nothing about me he to read this. They can learn what it was like to me. Once I'm gone they can know everything that I didn't want them to know while I lived.

Now, for when this is found, here is my will:

I have nothing.

I don't want to be buried. I want the final pain of my existence to be the burn that will come when the fire licks away at my pale white skin.

That's it, and hopefully these will be my last words.


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