Twenty Seven

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"Gee Gee you're back" Patrick squeals and runs into my arms as I walk in, knocking me into Frank behind me. "Hey Patty" "I've been baking all day" "Oh cool" "I made like 3 types of cookies, brownies, red velvet cake, cupcakes and I tried to make a trifle but I burnt the custard so it's just jam and sponge but it's still yummy" "Wow you have been busy" "Yeah I didn't have much else to do"

Frank gives me a look as he walks past and winks at me as he heads upstairs unbuttoning his shirt as he goes. I'd love to go join him and if Patrick wasn't prone to have a mental breakdown every few minutes I would have gone. If I could I'd take Patrick with me since everything better with 3 but he's not really ok so I watch him finish another batch of cupcakes.

This boy couldn't cook for shit a few days ago and now he's like Masterchef in here so I'm not sure what's changed. "Patrick since when can you cook?" "Since never, I can bake but not cook" "They're not that different" "Yeah they are, baking is following a recipe exactly and I can do that but I have no instincts for cooking so I overlook stuff and it's bad" "Oh" "Yeah, Pete cooks, I bake and Frankie eats it all, it's a pretty good system"

Once he's done cooking and I've eaten some of everything he comes over and hugs me tight "You're awesome Gee" "You too, what do you wanna do?" "I dunno" "Wanna talk until we figure something out?" "Ok" "How was your day apart from the baking?" "I didn't do a lot, I cleaned my room and just kinda hung around, there's not a lot to do really" "School was boring as I'm sure I told you in plenty of details" "Yeah, thanks for talking to me all day" "No problem, it's way better then any other things I could do"

We're just leaning against the wall with him in my arms so I can just look up as he purrs gently and rubs his head against my chest. Franks standing at the top of the stairs with his shirt unbuttoned and boxers pushed down as he gently rubs himself and smirks slightly as we make eye contact.

Patrick doesn't notice him so I tune out what he's just started talking about and watch Frank on the stairs jerking off. He's so fucking sexy as always and I can't take my eyes off him, being with him at lunch just makes it even harder to stay away. It takes a lot of self control to not to drag Patrick up there and make them both have their way with me but I doubt anyone except me wants that right now. Patrick's fragile and Frank can't deal with emotions very well so wouldn't want to risk it, plus it'll feel like we're all cheating.

I'm still ignoring Patrick as I watch Franks hand move faster and faster so when Patrick's head whips around bumping against my jaw I jump in fright. "Gee you know Franks there right?" "I've been watching him like the last 5 minutes" "Oh ok, um, ok". He just looks up as Frank blows me a kiss then walks back into his room, probably to keep jerking off which I really wanna be there for.

"Gee why did he do that?" "He's a horny bastard" "You guys broke up" "Yeah but we're comfortable around each other" "Comfortable enough for that?" "Yeah well our relationship was always sex so I guess there's no reason for it to not still be sex" "You had sex with him didn't you?" "Yeah" "When?" "Lunchtime, he has a really nice cock and it feels really nice inside me" "Oh ok, you guys are just hooking up" "Yeah basically, until either of us gets into another relationship" "That's kinda weird" "Yeah I know but as I said, he has a really nice cock"

Patrick sighs and looks up at me "You can go join him" "No it's ok" "No just go be with him, I'll still be here when your done" "Are you serious?" "Yeah" "Oh thank you, your the best Pattycakes, I'll see you in a bit". I trip over in my eagerness to go join Frank and run up the stairs and just like I hoped Frank is stretched out on the bed waiting for me. He's now fully naked and hard so I fall over again scrambling to get on my knees for him.

---time skip brought to you by kinky Frerard sex---

Frank insists on banging me on the bed until we break one side of the handcuffs he's using and he finally lets me come. After that fucks me up against the side of the shower then we just lie in bed together until we find the desire to move. We're wet from the shower and everywhere he's touched me is burning hot since he's basically on fire and it's just nice staying here. Sventually he chucks me out to do some work and says I'm welcome to come back for round 3 later.

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