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Monday turns out to not be very good. Oli decides to be a complete ass and traps me by the lockers after PE. Everyone teases me if I change and says I'm too chubby and is mean about what I wear so I never change or do PE, usually I don't even go in there. He's an ass and everyone just gangs up and watches and all the people who aren't horrid just ignore it and just kinda walk out. Eventually I just punch Oli straight in the nose and run off to my next class because I'm so done with him.

Tuesday's similar except he kicks me against the lockers and just makes me regret wearing a short skirt as he pulls at it and basically gropes me while he hits me so I kick him in the balls and like yesterday, run away. I haven't seen Frank in a while but I don't wanna get in trouble and I'm not in the mood to fuck or do anything so I hide in my favourite stairwell for a while.

Most of the week goes this way and I don't know what Olis got stuck up his ass but he's taking it out on me. I've started just wearing skinny jeans and hoodies just so he doesn't make me feel shit and so I don't feel so exposed. I can't even wear panties or anything underneath since it just feels wrong. I haven't seen Frank, Pete or Patrick all week since we usually just have fun so if I'm in a bad mood then I don't wanna really be around them.

I don't end up having a choice because after school on Friday Patrick's waiting on the road by the school gate in his car so I go to see what he's doing.

"Hey Patrick" "Hey Gee" "What's up?" "I was waiting for you" "Why?" "I haven't seen you in a while so I miss you, I was gonna see if you wanna hang out" "Oh no I think I'll just go home" "I haven't seen you in ages and Frank said you never see him at lunch or after school" "Yeah I'm not in the mood" "Yeah but I'm worried, I don't wanna have a threesome or foursome or whatever the hell we do, I just wanna know what's wrong"

He's so caring and he came all the way here for me and I might as well stay with him for a while, it can't hurt and there's nothing better for me to do, it's not like I have other friends who are desperate to hang out with me. "Yeah ok Patty but my cars here" "We can just sit in the car for a while, I don't wanna have a huge party or a weekend long orgy, I just wanna talk for a bit"

I go around and climb into the back and Patrick gets out to come sit next to the in the backseat of the car. If this was Frankie both of us would probably already be naked since it's just too tempting to have that glorious man in a small space and not do something. With Patrick he just puts his arm around my waist and let's me lean my head on his shoulder and we can have a good talk, no pressure for anything else. I think since we both have boyfriends even though the relationships are violently different, we can be friends. No matter how much I do with Patrick and how much we sleep together we can just stay friends and it's kind of speed boosted the friendship a bit.

"So Gee talk to me" "Pretty little counsellor are you now?" "I guess so" "You make cocktails, you're a nurse, you're a counsellor, you're adorable, you're sexy as hell and you're the nicest person ever, Pete better treasure what he's got" "He does" "So do I, if we're ever both single come find me and I'll give you the time of your life" "You seem to do that even when we're both taken" "I'm gifted"

He smiles but obviously he can tell I'm avoiding the point. "I'm serious now tell me why your ignoring us" "I'm just in a bad mood and I don't wanna be around people" "We miss you though" "You'd probably be sick of me if I came, I'd just sit there moping" "That's fine" "It's better to just stay by myself, even my brothers annoyed with me" "I don't think so, he cares about you"

We stay in silence until I keep telling him my issues even though I doubt anyone would care. This is Patrick though and he's so sweet and he'll listen to my crap and he will care and try to help me so it's good. He's too nice to say I'm an idiot or leave so I have someone to unload my shit on.

"We're kinda friends with benefits so if I can't do that I'll just kinda stay away" "We're friends idiot, your boyfriends just kinky so we do stuff but we're friends" "Yeah but we have sex and nothing else, what else would I be at you guys house for?" "Because we're friends" "I dunno" "You're coming over tonight, you don't have a say in this" "I dunno" "Yes, we're not having boyfriend time or sex, we're having a cliche sleepover like a bunch of middle school girls and if anyone complains they're sleeping on the front porch" "You guys don't have a front porch" "Well they're sleeping by the front door then and they can freeze"

I've never seen him that set on something but it's still adorable even when he tries to be scary so I just giggle and cuddle my head against his neck "You're the cutest thing" "No I'm scary" "Nope you're the cutest" "Well have fun on the door step then" "This sleepovers for me, you can't kick me out" "I can if I want" "Id just walk home or something, it'd work better with someone who lived in your house" "Stop ruining my wonderful plans" "Get the popcorn and chick flicks ready then" "Definitely"

To Hell With Decency (Frerard AU) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now