Chapter Six: To Date? Or not to date? That is the question.

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Word of warning: There is not an actual sex scene in this chapter, but there is talk of sexual activity. I'm sorry to my innocent baby penguins but then again if you're reading this then you're not very innocent after all, hmm? Enjoy Penguins!!

Chapter Six: To Date? Or not to date? That is the question.

Phoebe J. Tonkin as Marie King-------->


It has been a few weeks since that night in England. Asher and I haven’t talked since then, not that I am particularly upset about that. I’m not!

I had managed to enroll the kids into kindergarten, it was hard seeing as it was the middle of the year and they were supposed to be put in pre-k. I had to pull a lot of strings to get them to start school a year early. It helped that they are so smart, however.

The twins, Shane and Shawna, had become a constant part of our lives. They babysat for me if I needed it and always called to chat or ask about the kids. They spent more time at my house than anyone else with in the few weeks we have known each other.

Astrid spent most of her time with us as well, I mean it helps that her girlfriend and I were getting quite close. I don’t know what I would have done without all three teens.

Marie, Lecky, and Niall had done such a wonderful job on the twins’ room and were managing to spoil the hell out of my kids along with my parents and Jason and Katherine King, Niall’s parents.

Everything seemed to be going smooth that is until I was walking to my car after work one night. I had stayed later to finish going over the graphic design for the new Kellogg’s Brand t-shirts. It, being the beginning days of February, was still a bit chilly outside and the nights were still darker. At least there wasn’t any snow, I thought to myself.

I was approaching my car when I saw a figure leaning against my driver side door. Who in the hell was that?

As I got closer to the figure, I realized, was a man and he seemed to be about six foot three with a slight build. I was a little nervous and wary of the situation. I mean, it was nine thirty at night, and I was alone. A skinny five foot five man cannot take on a buff six foot three man. If this was a gay bashing, I surely wouldn’t make it out unharmed, not even with my seven years of taekwondo, ok so that’s a lie. I could easily take the man, but I was a lover, not a fighter. The only reason why I took those classes was because I was openly gay and my mom feared something would happen to me. But that’s beside the point.

I walked closer to the figure; the lights of the parking deck illuminated their face.

“What the fuck?” I stated. “What the hell are you doing here?”

“Come on, Rayce. Don’t be like that,” said Alejandro. The fuck he means? Oh my skittles, if I have to kick his ass I will willingly do it. I let out an exasperated sigh.

“Get the fuck off my car and out of my way,” I said, staring him down. He let a mischievous smile cross his tanned face.

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