London. Great -_-

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SO SORRRRRRYYYYYYYY. Important message at the bottom. 

  We finally made it to London. It was a very long and embarrassing ride. I sigh and grab my stuff as we walk into the hotel. Guess who I'm sharing a room with. That's right Keaton AND Nathan. Are you freaking serious. Could life hate me anymore? I sure hope not, I already blabbed that I liked Nathan, now he's been acting all weird and awkward around me. 

 We make our way up to our room. Nath unlocks the door and we all go in. Keaton places his stuff down  and quickly leaves. I probably should talk to him. I look at Nathan who was sitting on one of the beds. He looks at me and smiles like a retard. I roll my eyes playfully. 

"You know, I knew you liked me." He smirks.

"Whatever Sykes, you were just hoping I did." Damn it, why didn't I just deny it. I mentally face palm. 

"Would you maybe wanna go and get some tea?" I smile slightly and nod. 

"That would be lovely?" He smiles back. 

"Lets go now, I could really use some tea right about now. " I nod and we walk out of the room. "Luckily for us, there is a cafe in this hotel." I don't respond but just follow him. I wonder if he likes me? Nah. We make our way down to the cafe and order some drinks. We both take a seat, waiting for our tea to come. It was awkward, so I decided to break the silence. 

"So, when is your first concert here?" 

"In 3 days."

"Do you guys have to practice and stuff." He nods slightly dazing off. A lady walks over and hands us our drinks. 

"Be careful, there hot." We both smile at her and she walks off. We both take a sip. It felt nice going down. I look at Nathan who smiled at me weirdly.

"What?" He shakes his head. 

"Oh nothing." He sings. I raise an eyebrow. 

"Do I have something on my face?" He smirks and shakes his head. 

"Then why did you smile at me like that?" He shrugs. 

"No reason." I groan. 

"You're so complicated!"

"Am I Alex? Am I really?" I laugh. 

"Yes, Nathan. Yes you really are." He laughs. That's pretty much how that day went. Me and Nathan just goofing off. He made me laugh and I made him laugh. Everything was going perfectly until this. 

"Alex?" I look at him. 


"Now you really do have something on your face." I try to wipe it off. 

"Is it gone?" He shakes his head. 

"Here, lean over and let me get it." I nod and lean over the table. He also leans over and instead of using his fingers to get it, he licks the side of my mouth. I blush. 

"Alex?" We both look over. There he was, Keaton. He looked at me hurt. Damn it, why does these things keep happening to me? I hate hurting him and so far that's all I have done. He starts to walk away.

"Keaton wait!" He shakes his head and runs off. I look at Nathan. He stares back and nods. I run off to catch up with him.


I've been so caught up on my other account. I know it's short and I'm sorry. I just wanted to update. Please forgive me. Also, I'm mostly on my other account. I'm am seriously sorry. If you ever wanna talk, feel free to message me on this account or my other one. I'm more likely to respond on my other account though. :/


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2013 ⏰

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