That was your father??

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  Not many people read the first chapter but oh well. I know I'll get there. Well hope you enjoy ♥

Nathan's P.O.V.

  Tom was looking at me like I was crazy. " Lad who is she and why is she all cut up?" I shake my head. "No time to explain help me." He takes her from my arms and I run to the bathroom and I grab a towel. I wet it and run back to the other room. I was glad the other boys weren't back. They would want me to explain, And honestly I didn't have one. I had no idea who that man was or why he was attacking her. I place the towel on her head and sigh. Tom looks at me and I shake my head. He sighs and walks away. One thing about Tom was that he understands. 

  About 30 minutes later there was a knock at the door. I get up and answer. In the door way stood the man the had kicked Alex and a little orange puppy. He raises his arm and punches me dead in the face. "That asshole was for earlier." I grab my nose and look at him. He shoves the puppy in. "And this little asshole is that bitches dog. We want nothing to do with it so here." I look at him questioningly. "How did you find me." He ignores me and walks away. My nose hurted like hell. I look at the puppy. It was quite cute. I wonder why he gave the puppy back. I stand up and pick up the dog. I walk back over to where I was sitting. I get on my phone and get on Twitter. I tweet, 'So many weird things happened today. Wish me luck.' I lock my phone and glance over at the girl. I wonder what her name is. I show the little puppy his owner and his tail automatically starts wagging. I place him on her and he starts licking her face. I chuckle and walk to the kitchen to get some tea. I'm honestly surprised Tom didn't hear any of that...

    Alex's P.O.V. 

  I felt a tickle on my cheek. My eyes flutter open to Ollie licking me. Ollie? I sit up and look around.  I was in a hotel room I think. I don't really remember anything. I know I was beat by my dad and forced to stay outside but how did I get here and how is Ollie here? "Hello? Where am I?" I don't know if that was a good idea or not but oh well. I heard footsteps and Nathan comes in. "Good your up?" I rub my head. "Why am I here?" He smiles. "I saved you from that man." I look at him. "You mean my father?" His jaw almost hits the ground. "That man was your father?" I nod. He shakes his head. "Wait how is Ollie here than?" He shrugs. "Your "Father" I guess followed me and gave him to me. After he jacked me in the face." I gasps. "Oh my god Nathan are you okay?" He chuckles. " I can take a punch love." I look at him. "But he hits hard." He looks at me. "Well in my opinion you shouldn't know that." He says slowly. I shrug. "Yeah well I do. So now what do you expect me to do? I can't go back home and I certainly doubt your fans would allow me to be here." He raises an eyebrow

   Nathan's P.O.V.

 "Why would the fans care?" She rolls her eyes. "Because I know how the TWfanmily acts.... Because I'm one of them." I smile. "Ah so that's how you knew me when you hit me with the door?" She nods. "Oh and again I'm sorry." I laugh. "It's fine love. I mean It's not everyday you get hit with a door kicked in the leg and punched all in one day." I teased. She chuckles. "So Sykes what am I going to do?" I shrug. "You can stay with the lads and I." I say as Tom walks in. "You know Nath the fans are going to have heart attacks before this is all over." I shake my head. "Not in the least bit helping Parker." I look at Alex who was staring at Tom. "Even Tom agrees this isn't a good idea. You should have never did this Nathan." I frown. "But love I was only trying to help." She smiles and tries to stand up but fails. I help her up and to my surprise she hugs me. "Thanks Nath I know you were only trying to help." I smile and hug her back. The little puppy was jumping up and down and barking. "He's hungry." I nod. "Hey love what's your name?" She smiles. "Oh yeah I'm Alex." I smile. "Well nice to meet you Alex." I say. "Yeah same here." Tom says. "The pleasure is al mine." She picks up Ollie. "I doubt you guys have puppy food?" I shake my head. "We can go get you some if you like." She smiles but it quickly goes away. "I spent all of my money on my parents food." I shrug. "I'll pay. It's not like I don't have money. Now lets go to a pet store." 

   She starts to walk with me but stops. "Um can I possibly borrow a jacket or something? I don't have anything but this." I look at her and notice her clothes are a bit torn up. I nod. " Yeah hold on a sec. Hey Tom come with me." He looks at me but doesn't question me. We walk to our room and I walk over to my bag. I grab a hoody." Look Tom she has no home." He nods. "I know but you'll have to talk to Jayne." I nod and we both return to see Alex face to face with Max, Siva, and Jay. "Uh Lad who is she?" Jay questions me. " I'll explain later but me and her are going to get this lil guy here some food."  I hand Alex the hoody and she puts it on. We walk out the door without another word. I wanted to know about Alex's past more than anything right now but I knew she needed some space. I kept glancing at her but she didn't seem to notice. We continued to walk until we got to my car. I opened the door for her and she got in still holding the puppy. I close the door and get in on the other side. I start the car and we are off. 

   After we got the dog food we get back in the car. Before I start the engine she stops me. "You probably want to know why my dad is abusive?" I nod "Only if you want to tell." She smiles. "Trust I've been waiting for a chance to be able to tell someone and not get in trouble for it." I smile and gesture for her to continue. She takes a deep breath before she starts. "Well 3 years ago my baby brother died in a house fire and I had survived. My parents had always blamed me. I thought they were just saying that out of pain but after a month or so things turned abusive. It started out by them calling me names like useless, Bitch, and dog. Then my mom started hitting me. Then my dad brought in the belt. If I disobeyed I get whipped. Depending on what I did would determine the amount of times I was hit. After being whipped I'd be forced to stay outside whether rain or snow. They didn't care. My only escape was music. My favorite band is Simple plan. There music speaks to me. But I also enjoy your music as well. It so amazing. Whenever I was having a hard time I knew your band would put a smile on my face. Sometimes my parents would take mt Ipod away and it would result in this because I had no other way to stop the pain." She pushes up the sleeves on my hoody to reveal many cuts. There was at least 100 of them. "Oh Alex you shouldn't do such a thing to your skin." She shrugs. "Whatever I'm done now." I smile. "Good. Now lets get back to the hotel. The boys are probably confused as hell." She laughs and nods. 

  We arrive back at the hotel and there was fans everywhere. "Shit" I mutter and get out. I go around and open the door for Alex and grab the dog food. The fans were screaming. "Stay close to me." I tell Alex. She nods and walks close by as we enter the hotel. None of the fans seemed to make any rude comments which made me happy. Looks like America has a lot of TWfanmily members. Only true ones are nice. We go to the elevator and head up. We go into the room and all of the lads are there. "Uh mates this is Alex and she is probably staying with us depending on what Jayne says." They all nod. " Well I say why not!" I turn my head and notice Jayne standing there. "Seriously?" She nods. "If you really want her to stay, She can but I would like to talk to her in private." I nod and Alex walks over to Jayne.

   Alex's P.O.V. 

  I walk over to Jayne and we both walk to what must have been the Boy's hotel 'bedrooms' We both sit down. "So Alex if you don't mind I would like you to tell me what had happened between you and your family. I sigh and start explaining to Jayne everything that happened. You was listening closely and I could tell she felt sorry for me. After I was done Jayne stared at me. "Oh dear you poor thing. You stay with the boys as long as you like. If you need anything don't be afraid to ask any of us." I smile and Jayne hugs me. I look around the room and Jayne notices me. "They all have different rooms. They just prefer to hang out in Nathan's because he keeps his clean....ish." We both laugh. "So sleeping arrangements...." She trails off in thought and finally speaks. "Well I don't know if you'll be comfortable with this but Nathan as you can see has an extra bed. It was his turn to have a hotel room to himself so if it's okay with both of you, you can use the other bed." I nod. "Thanks Jayne." I hug her and giggle. "You know there all listening right?" I whisper to her. She nods and laughs. She stands up and gestures for me to follow. I do and she opens the door quickly. We here 5 ouches and we both bust out laughing. "You know boys it's not polite to eavesdrop." They rub there heads and all awkwardly smile. "So since you heard all of that is it okay with you Nathan?" He nods "Great. Welcome to the family Alex. Hope you enjoy." I smile. "I was already a part of the family before we met." They all aww. "GROUP HUG!!!!" Jay yells. 

Well guys now you know Alex's Story. hope you enjoyed this chapter. It took me awhile. Well anyways.... What do you guys think? Vote comment and follow please♥♥ xx ~Kira~

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