Little Ethan

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  Nathan's P.O.V.

Alex has been with us for 2 days now. She is amazing. I don't understand why someone could abuse her. All the boys love her like family. She fits in perfectly. To my amazement the fans adore her.

 "Hey Nath do you think you can take me to the mall and help me look for a job?" Alex says. I look at her "Why do you need a job?" She makes a face. "Well first of all I need to buy some clothes and I have nothing else to do" She did need clothes. "I'll pay." She shakes you head. "I'll be damned if you buy me clothes." She says. "Why can't I?" I asked. "You are already are letting me stay with you guys and because I said so!" She responds.  "So what. I have money so get over it. I'm buying you some clothes. So get your ass up and put on my hoody!" I say quickly getting up. She said something else but didn't argue anymore. She gets up and pulls my hoody on. We walk out the hotel and to the car. Some fans were outside. When they saw me they started smiling. "Hey Alex wanna meet some fellow fans?" She nods slowly. We walk over to them. "Hey girls. This is Alex." Alex smiles and waves shyly. Some of the girls smile and say hello but others huff and ignore her. I mentally roll my eyes. "Um Nath can we get a picture with you?" I smile and nod. The girls squeel a little and pull out there phones. 

  Finally all the girls left. It was just me and Alex again. I look at her and see that she is staring at something. "Alex what's the matter did one of the girls say something to you?" She shakes her. "Look over there." She points and I look over and see a little boy. He was looking around and looked like he was about to cry. "Oh gosh.." Alex says before walking to the little boy. I follow her. "Hey what's the matter?" Alex says calmly. He looks at her with wide eyes. His fist clench and he starts to tremble. "D-don't hurt me." He whimpers. Alex crouches down so she can look at him a little better. 

Alex's P.O.V. 

 "You poor thing . I won't hurt you I promise. Where are your parents?" I ask softly. Out of nowhere he hugs me. It shocks me at first but I hug back. He whimpers on my shoulder. I pick him up. "How about we get you some ice cream and then you can tell us what happened. He looks at me. He smiles and wipes his tears with his tiny hands. I smile and look at Nathan. I give him a sorry look because he will have to pay. He shrugs and smiles at me. I nod and carry the little boy to Nath's car. "Hey what's your name?" I get in the car and place him on my lap. "I'm Ethan." He leans his head on my shoulder. "Well how old are you Ethan?" Nathan asks as he starts up the car. "6." I look at Nathan. He was only six. I wonder why he was alone. "Ethan where are your parents?" His eyes get teary again. "Mommy said we were going for a car ride. We went to the park and we got out. I went to go play on the swings. I wanted mommy to push me but when I turned around she was at the car. she looked at me and she looked sad. She got in the car and left." I shake my head and hug him. This poor little boy. By the time he was done telling us his story we arrive at the ice cream store.

  We order Ice cream and sit down. Ethan was focusing on his ice cream. "What are we going to do?" I ask Nathan quietly. He shakes his head. "I don't know but I do know his mom left him." This was so heartbreaking. Poor guy. "Should we keep him?" I ask. Nathan looks at me like I was crazy but his eyes soften when he remembers my background. "Love I know what your thinking but how can we possibly raise a little boy?" He asks. I shake my head. "Please Nath I'll watch him and take care of him. I just feel so bad for him. I mean what do you want to do? Put him up as an orphan? What if he gets an abusive family or something and-" Nathan cuts me off. "Okay okay just stop talking." He wasn't being rude when he said that. I do a tiny victory dance. "Ethan?" He looks at me with ice cream dripping down his face. "Hmmm?" I laugh and wipe of his face. "Would you like to come stay with me and Nathan?" His face lights up. "Really? But what about mommy?" Me and Nathan look at eachother. "Sweety your mommy had  to leave for a little while." His face was covered with confusion but he nods. 

   "I don't know how Jayne or anyone is going to take this one.." Nathan says quietly. We were walking back to the hotel room. We decided we'd get my clothes when everything with Ethan was sorted out. None of the fans were around so thank god for that. Nath was already stressed out. I felt bad for doing this to him but I couldn't put this little boy in an orphanage. We get to the room door. Nathan looks down at Ethan and sighs. Ethan looks up at him and smiles. That causes Nathan to smile back and laugh. I look at Nathan than Ethan and smile to myself. Nathan notices this and looks at me. He was still grinning. "What?" I shrug. "Nothing I was just thinking you'd make a great father someday." I am such an idiot. I blush and look down. Nathan does the same. "Uh thanks. Well we should go in." I nod and without another word I pick Ethan up. He was so tiny. I mean yeah he was a little kid and all but I mean he was skinnier than a little kid should be. Nathan opens the door and all of the boys were in there. Great. They glance up and then back down. But soon all there eyes immediantly shoot up. Max gives us both a look. Tom comes over and soon after so does the rest. 

    "Geez Nath you can't leave the house without binging something adorable back." Tom says. I look at him and he blushes and looks away. I mentally laugh. "So does either of you care to explain?" Siva says. I nod. I tell them everything that happened. Nathan went with Ethan to go get him some food. They all looked at me and smiled. "I wouldn't mind having a little kid around here." Jay says. Tom, Max, and Siva all nod in agreement. "So we can keep him?" I ask jumping up. They all nod. I do a tiny happy dance and hug them all. "Thank you Thank you Thank you so sososososososososososososo much." They all chuckle at how immature I was being. "Your welcome love." Tom says still laughing. I hug them all again. Nathan walks in holding Ethan. They were both eating a slice of pizza. "Ay mate where'd ya get the Pizza?" Jay asks. "Y whade ith." Nathan says with a mouthful of pizza. I giggle. "Wait guys will Jayne allow this?" They shrug. "I'm sure she will.." Siva says "What about the fans?" I was starting to worry.  "We can just say he is your little brother or something. They won't care." Tom says. I nod slowly   "So can you boys watch him?" Nathan says suddenly. The nod their heads slowly. "What for though?" Max says. "Me and Alex still have to get some clothes." They nod. Ethan runs over to Tom and sits on his lap. Ethan must really like him.

    Okay so I was going to make this longer but ehh. I was really excited to post this. So anyways enjoy. Vote and stuff. Well yeah. Love you all lots

Fill  free to talk to me. I don't mind. 

Follow me on twitter @NathanRulesMe 

Well yeah. ~Kira♥~

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