Gold Forever- Nathan Sykes

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I sneeze and rub my arms as I walk through the snow. It was bitter out and all I had was short sleeves and ripped jeans. I make it to the store and buy what I have to. A lot of people look at. I ignore them. I pay with MY money and head out. As I'm walking out the door I hit someone with it and knocked them down. I drop my stuff and help them up. "Oh my. Are you okay." The boy nods and smiles. " I am so sorry." I say quickly looking down embarrassed. "No,  no don't apologize. My fault not your. I ran into the door." He gives me a cheeky smile and wipes the snow off his clothes. "Hey love why are you wearing such clothes on a day like this?" I look down. 

       Nathan's P.O.V.

   "Hey love why are you wearing such clothes on a day like this?" I ask her. She looks down. That's when I notice the scars on her. She had them up and down her arm. She also had many bruises. That's weird. "Hey are you alright." She looks up quickly and smiles. "Yeah I'm fine." I could tell that was a lie. I could see the pain in her eyes. She quickly picks up her stuff. "Well nice meeting you Nathan. It was an honor. But I really must get going." She starts to walk of but I quickly grab her arm. "You know I can help right." She shakes her head. "I don't need help. But thanks for the offer.  But seriously Nathan I must get going. Or.... Never mind. Tell the others I said Hi." I let go and watch her leave. It didn't feel right just letting her go like that. Something was up. I could see it in her eyes. I had to find out. Well might as well follow. I have nothing else to do.

     I don't follow her close but close enough to watch her. She seemed to be in a hurry for whatever reason. She was almost running by the time she made it to a house. It must have been hers'. I stop walking and watch her as she approaches the steps. She takes a deep breath before walking in. Now was my chance. I get closer and hide behind a tree. I could see the hous perfectly. I could also hear screaming. Screaming? It sounded like the girl. She sounded like she was in pain.

            Alex's P.O.V.

        I walk through the house door. My parents were standing there. And they were pissed. Damn it Nathan. "WHAT THE HELL TOOK YOU SO LONG?" My father yells. I look down. "I'm sorry." I whisper. "Oh your going to sorry." I close my eyes. I wait for the belt to make contact and when it does I scream out it pain. He does it again. Each time worse than the next. After what felt like forever he stops. "Now get your ass outside." After every beating I was forced to sit outside whatever weather for the night. I wasn't allowed any warmth besides what I had on. This was going to be a long night. I walk towards the door and take another deep breath. "What are you waiting for you little bitch go. Maybe you'll die like your little brother." My mother spats. 

      Nathan's P.O.V.

    I notice the door open and see the girl. She sits down on the porch and buries her face in her knees. What in the hell? I start to approach her when the door opens again. A man walks out and kicks her. I couldn't hear what he said and didn't care. I run over. "Hey why the hell did you that?" I yell. Both the man and the girl look. She had fear in her eyes and the man had anger. "What's it to you?" The man snarls. I roll my eyes and get closer. "Are you alright love?" I ignored the man and walked up to her. "Make another step and you both get it." I walk closer so I was right in front of the man. "That's it." He kicks her hard. She was knocked into the wall. Almost by instinct I straight up jacked the dude in the face. He stumbles back shocked. I then grab the girl who was really light. I take off with her and run. I ran as fast as I could. Luckily the hotel was farely close. I didn't dare look back as I rushed into the elevator. I make it to our hotel room and bang on the door. The girl was knocked out. The door swings open. "Holy shit lad what the hell happened?" Tom asks as soon as he opens the door.

Okay I deleted my other one thanks to rude comments but anyways please enjoy. I know it's not very long but it's only the first chapter. Well vote, follow, comment. Thanks bye ~Kira♥~

Gold Forever- Nathan SykesWhere stories live. Discover now