Tour Time

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Not a very long chapter. Sorry 

  Days passed since Ethan went to live with his mother. Me and Nath from time to time would visit him. Ethan was always asking about Ollie so I decided to hand over the precious little dog. Ethan was estatic which made me happy. I honestly was sad about giving Ollie up but it was the right thing to do.

We were sitting in the living room when Tom walked it. 

"So as you all know we have a tour coming up BUT management said we are only allowed to bring 1 one the girlfriends. So who's it gonna be this time?" All of the girls looked around at each other. Max's new girlfriend on the other hand just sat there. She was a quiet and shy girl. Her name was Mariam. She was extremely sweet. Max adored her. I didn't expect me to be chosen so I volunteered Mariam.

"Mariam should go." She looked at me wide eyed. 

"No, no I'm fine. You all can choose someone else plus I can't leave my mother." Max gives her a smile and nods. 

"Why not Alex? She has no where else to go and plus little Nathan has taken a shine to her." Tom smiles. Nathan's face was completely red as was mine. 

"Um anyways... Yeah Alex should go." Nathan mumbles. 

"SEEEEEE" Tom yells. I throw a pillow at him and Nathan gives him a look. I stifle a giggle. 

"Okay it's decided Alex is going." Jay says. Sive hadn't said a word the whole time because he was texting. 

"Okay so guess who we are going on tour with." Siva says. Ah so he must had been texting management.

"Who?" Tom says. 

"Emblem3" My jaw nearly hits the floor." Tori looks at me with a grin and I blush. 

"What's all that about?" Nathan asks with a small smile. 

"Oh it's that Alex's 2nd favorite band happens to be E3 AND ALEX LIKES KEATON!!!!!" My faces heats up and I throw a pillow at her as well.

"Aww does little Alex have a crush."

"I don't have a crush on no one. I don't even know the kid. PLUS he is younger than me." 

"First of all love he is 17 and your 18 it doesn't really matter." Kelsey says with a smirk. I roll my eyes. That's not even the real reason. If only they knew. 

"Whatever you say. When are we going?" 

"In 2 days. So I'd get packing if I were you." Tom says. 

"Kels do you think you can help me?" She nods and we head to mine and Nath's room. 


As we were boarding the plane Nareesha and the other girls kept winking at me and laughing. I didn't understand why and I was afraid to ask. I take my place on the plane and wait for the other boy's to say goodbye to their girlfriends. Nathan was already seated when I got on. He was in front of my seat. I was wondering who was going to be sitting next to me since he wasn't. It wasn't a private plane but no one was allowed to sit next to any members except for me and management.  Finally another person got on. I didn't recognize the person as he got on. He took his seat next to me. 

"Um hi. I'm guessing your Alex." I nod. 

"And you are?" He takes off his glasses and reveals his pretty blue eyes. 

"K-Keaton?" That explains why all of the girls kept winking at me. He smiles and nods.

"Yeah. That's my name." I couldn't keep the smile of my face. I must have looked like an idiot. I noticed that Nathan looked back a few times. Jealous much? Keaton must have noticed too. 

"Is Nathan your boyfriend or something?" I shake my head quickly. 

"Nope. We are just friends." Wesley and Drew get on and take the seats next to us. Following them was the rest of the boys. 

"Finally." I sigh. "Where are we going anyways. The boys wouldn't tell me." 

"Our first stop is London." My eyes go wide. 

"You mean we're leaving the country?" He laughs. OMG that laugh of his.

"That is what world wide tour means." I roll my eyes.

"They didn't tell me that either." He chuckles.

"So if you don't mind me asking why are you coming. I mean not that it bothers me or anything. But why?" He scratches the back of his neck.

"Nathan said I should go." I shrug.

"Yet your not dating him?" I nod.

"Nathan and I are best friends. Plus why would THE Nathan Sykes like me."

  Keaton's P.O.V. 

Oh I don't know the same reason you don't remember me. I really wanted to say that. Alex Anderson. The girl I've likes since 5th grade. I mental face palm at the fact I never asked her out. She was always so quiet and she kept to her self. Except of course with her best friend. Wes would always tell me to go for it. Just ask her out but why would she say yes. Well I'm going to change my mistake. I'm going to get her love. Nathan might be a problem but I'll have to deal with that when the time comes. 

  Alex's P.O.V. 

I noticed the more and more the time went by the other members of E3 kept on glancing over. I would occasionally look over at them but they would always look away quickly. Ugh boys. 

 "So Keaton hows going from your basement to being famous? I remember those times when you and your brother would perform at school." His eyes instantly lit up. 

"Wait so you remember me? Why didn't you say anything?" I shrug. 

"I don't know. I just didn't seem real. I mean you used to be so idk. Different and now you have a million of girls chasing after you." He shakes his head. 

"Nah mostly Wes and Drew. I'm not the favorite." 

"Your Alex's favorite." Tom yells. I turn around in my seat and smack his head. 

"Hey Parker mind your own fucking business." He laughs. I turn back to Keaton and see his face was lit up. 

"Don't listen to him." He smiles but I could see something else in his smile. It was hurt. 

I just really wanted to get this posted♥ I decided to add the whole band to it. I mean it wouldn't be the same without Wes and Drew. I also want to make something happen between Keaton and Alex. 

Anyways.... Enjoy please♥ 


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