Project Partners

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Hye-Seons POV:

   I woke up to my alarm going off. I quickly got off the couch and headed towards the bathroom to get ready for school. My cold went away quickly, so I was able to go to school. While brushing my teeth Eun-Ji called me.

Me: hello..?


Me: Oh~ sorry, I forgot to tell you but I had a cold yesterday.

Eun-Ji: okay. Also I have something to tell you.

Me: what is it?

Eun-Ji: I'm dating Yoongi!

Me: I know. Haha. Okay I have to go.

  I hung up the phone and continued to get ready. I brush my hair and wash my face. I walked into my room to put on my school uniform. After that I get a bagel and eat it while getting my school stuff together. I put on my backpack and put on my white tennis shoes. Before I leave I make sure everything is turned off.

   While walking to school I decide to tie up my hair. I tried to tie up my hair until I felt someone help me. Quickly, I turned around to see you it is.

   "Oh! Jungkook!" I sigh of relief.

  "Is something wrong?" He asked.

  "Aniyo~ I didn't know it was you." I laughed.

  "Ah, okay it's fine I'm not a pervert. Let's walk to class together." He said as he grabbed my hand.

   I tried to let go but his grasp was tight. While walking to school everyone was starring at us and whispering to each other.

   Goodness. This boy is gonna make everyone think we're dating. I'm not interested in him. Okay maybe a little. But, I don't want girls to hate me.

   When I walked into the class I see Namjoon quickly stand up and look at me. His eyes followed mine and Jungkooks arms all the down to our hands. He saw me struggling to get out of his grasp. He ran to Jungkook and broke his grasp on me.

   "Stop holding a girl when she's trying to leave." He said to Jungkook.

   "Don't fight." Taehyung said as he walked to us.

   "Yes, please don't fight." I said as I gently pulled Namjoon back.

   "Don't worry. I won't fight him." He said as he walked back to his seat.

A few minutes after the bell rang the teacher walked in and told us about a student interview project. We'll have a partner and we interview people at our school about the specific topic we get. The teacher assigned us partners so he went around putting a small piece of paper on our desks turned upside down. After he said to flip them over it revealed our partners name.

Partners list:
Hye-Seon, Seokjin
Park Jimin, Namjoon
Taehyung, Eun-Ji
Jung Hoseok, Min Yoongi
Jungkook, Kyungsoo
(Yes it's D.O from exo hehe)

Quickly everyone went over to their partners and sat down next to them and waited for our topic. Me and Jin had relationships as our topic. Jimin and Namjoon has teen pregnancy. Taehyung and Eun-Ji has Jobs/careers.
Hoseok and Yoongi has Friendship. Jungkook and D.O has money.

Each group were handed a video camera. We had to make a 25 minute film interviewing at least 10 people. We were allowed to interview a group in our class. After the teacher went over the rules and other information he let us get our questions ready.

Me and Jin got our questions together fairly quickly. Then Jin gave me a look. He took my pen from out of my hand and put it up to his face to where I look at his face.

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