Accidental Date With Jungkook

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Hye-Seons POV:

I was walking to school until suddenly a guy grabbed my shoulders and quickly repositioned himself to have his arm around my waist. When I looked up a cute baby faced guy was starring at me with a warm smile.

"W-Who are you?" I asked with a confused look planted on my face.

"Just the guy of your dreams." He chuckled.

"What-" I said as he put his finger over my lips causing me to shush.

"You, me, lunch." He said smirking then walked away.

When I walked into class I see Namjoon looking for someone. Maybe he found a girl he wants to toy with? While continuing to walk to my seat, I somehow caught his attention so he started starring at me. I ignored it and then started to get ready for the day until I heard a chair get pushed back really hard. When I looked up with was Namjoon walking towards me. Before he made it over to me a guy called his name. He sighed and rolled his eyes as he made his way to the opposite side of the classroom.

Namjoons POV:

I was finally gonna have a regular conversation with Hye-Seon until Jin called me over.

"Did you do the homework?" He asked while shuffling through his folder very quickly.

"Yeah, but I thought you did it too?" I asked scratching the side of my head.

"I did but I promised Jimin I would help him have a conversation with Hye-Seon." He said while glancing over in the direction Hye-Seon was sitting then lifting an eyebrow.

I looked over to see Jimin laughing with Hye-Seon.

"Why did you promise him?" I asked sighing.

"Because he wouldn't shut up about her last night." He laughed.

Hye-Seons POV:

While I was reading a guy came and sat beside me.

"I don't know if I introduced myself properly but, I'm Jimin." He said while smiling real big.

"Awe you're smiling eyes are so adorable~" I said and then started to giggle.

Soon after me and Jimin were making jokes. We were laughing together and he felt comfortable to be around. That's his charm, maybe? About 5 minutes of laughing the bell rang and the teacher walked in. Eun-Ji didn't come to school today which had me a little concerned until I noticed that a member of bangtan was looking around the classroom too. I didn't pay much attention to him after because Jimin started talking to me again.

Namjoons POV:

"Ugh. Why is Jimin blessed with the looks and the charm?" I sighed as I forced myself to focus back onto my studying.

    Finally, school was over. I packed up my things and left until I noticed that Hye-Seon left Jimin. Out of curiosity I walked over to Jimin and asked him why Hye-Seon left without him.

    "Thought you were gonna take her out?" I asked while chuckling.

    "She said she had to go home early and she said that we could eat tomorrow." He said with a big smile on his face.

    I playfully punched his stomach and left the class.

Hye-Seons POV:

   I decided to skip out on jimins offer because I wanted to check on Eun-Ji to see if she's alright. While walking off of campus a guy grabbed my hand and started walking with me. When I looked up it was the guy from earlier. I tried to pull away my hand but his grasp was tight.

    "I told you, you have lunch plans." He said looking down at me.

    "B-but I need to go check on my friend." I was giving him a worried look.

   He pulled me closer and pulled me to a nearby café. Once we were there, he sat me down and ordered me a bunch of rice cakes and melon shaved ice. He gently smiled at me letting me know that I should be comfortable around him. I picked up the metal spoon and started to eat the melon shaved ice.

   "You're even pretty when you eat." He said while smiling at me again.

   I covered my face with my hands out of embarrassment.

"Sorry, but I never got your name." I said with a gentle smile.

"Jungkook." He responded.

   "Ah~ and you're part of bangtan?" I asked.

   "Yes." He said while nodding his head.

   "Ok-" I said before he got up close to my face and looked at me.

   "Come with me." He said as he grabbed my hand and took me to a park.

   While we were walking to the park he was telling me about the other members of bangtan.

"Min Yoongi is a savage but he has a kind heart, Jin is the type of guy to date the perfect girl, Jimin is sweet but if he loses interest in you, you practically don't exist." He explained.

"Namjoon?" I asked

"Namjoon gets over protective easily. He doesn't want to lose anything he loves." He responded.

Before I realized it, it was already night time.

"If you want you can come by the dorm." He said giving me a smile.

"It's fine I'll just go home now." I said walking away as he grabs my arm.

"I'll walk you home." He said as he walked beside me.

I agreed to his offer and we began to walk to my house. Once we were at my house, we were saying our goodbyes. Before he left he messed up my hair and started laughing.

"See you soon." He said as he leaned in.

"Y-yeah. I'll see you at school." I said as I quickly walked into my house.

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