Chapter 26

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- Rebecca 

It's been a week since we got to London and let me just say... many of me and Calum's intimate times have been ruined. I talked to him about finding our own flat or apartment for the rest of the trip what was still another month he just said he didn't want to be away from the lads and didn't want to leave me alone when he had to go too recording or writing , which he has been doing alot lately. He leaves early in the morning and comes back late at night by the time he gets back he is exhausted.

Today he is recording again but i've decided to meet up with that Sophia girl we met last week , i can't wait to hang out with her and too see the rest of London. Ana said she had too go too some meetings and buy some clothes for the boys upcoming shows. I placed my coat on and tied my boots, i grabbed my phone and bag and yelled a goodbye to whoever was still inside the house.


''And that's Big Ben'' Sophia pointed

"Oooh its beautiful... why is it called Big Ben?"

"You know i've lived here all my life and i still have no idea" she laughed making me laugh with her.

Me and Sophia have spent most of the day sight-seeing she took me all the popular tourist attractions and explained the knowledge she knew we went on one of the touring busses as well.A few fans noticed me and ask for a few photos with me which i allowed them to do.We then went out to eat lunch at a small cafe in central London which was awesome.

''It's a really beautiful country" i said taking a bite out of my salad

"Most of it is"

"What do you mean?"

"Well the place i was born is now one of the main cities with gang violence"

"Really?" i asked

"Yup... i moved from that place when i was about ten because it was getting so bad , me and my family moved a hour outside of London and then when i was old enough i left and came back" she said

"Oh , how old are you again?"

"Just turned nineteen" she smiled

"Wow... you just left like that? You're very brave"

"I've been counting down the days to leave my life behind since i was 14''

"How come?" i asked intrigued by her story

"I..I mean i had a good life and family it's just i felt trapped. I felt like everyone expected me to be a certain way and be a certain person. I just wanted to leave my life and become something different i wanted to do something on my own for once i guess i just wanted a new life all together." she said

" Do you still see your family?"

"Yeah sometimes , they visit. Other times they don't just depends how busy i am... its rare they do visit though but i still see them at Christmas and important stuff like that" she said

"So how long have you liked the band" i asked ,

"Almost a year  '',

"I've actually never seen them perform in a concert , i mean I've seen them rehearse but not an actual show" i shrugged my shoulders

"Wow...How are you and Calum  anyway?" she asked sipping her water

"Fine, it's so hectic though i haven't spent alone time with him in ages without things being interrupted'' 


"So do you want to work in star bucks forever?" i asked

"Of course its like my dream come true" she said seriously then bursting out into giggles"-No i wanted to become a model but i'm too short , then i wanted to be an Actress but i got bored after awhile so i have no idea what i want to be... i do want to open a clothing store one day though'' she said

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