Chapter 11

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As I stared at the ceiling in my room I couldn't help but wonder what had made Margot so mad yesterday. I got up and walked out the door and went to find Logan, maybe he could tell me what all the fuss was about... I walked down the stairs and into HQ, I found Logan talking with Paige. "Logan, can you come here? I have a question about Margot. " Paige gave Logan a concerned stare and Logan nodded in return. He walked over to me and asked "whats the problem with Margot?" "Yesterday she was acting really weird and she seemed pretty mad about something... Mind telling me what that is?" "Well I shouldn't really tell you this... " "I deserve to know if it's about Cullen." I was starting to get irritated that he was dodging the question. "Yes, you are right... You deserve to know, although it's not so much about Cullen as it is his army..." "What about his army" I asked suspiciously "they have a new leader... " As he kept talking about how this new leader was stronger than Cullen, I got angrier and angrier, the ground started shaking and things started falling off shelves. Logan looked around frightened by this event, he was tying to figure out what was causing it but I knew it was me. Paige looked at me and then grabbed me by the shoulders "Savannah calm down... Savannah focus on me and nothing else." I stared at her and tried to focus on her but it was so hard with all the commotion, things started going to fade and go black...

Logan's P.O.V

Everything was shaking, and I was nervous that the base was going to collapse on itself, what was causing this? All of a sudden I heard a thud and I turned to look at Savannah... She was on the floor unconscious, Paige dropped next to her, she held Savannah and checked her pluse when Savannah didn't have a pluse Paige yelled for help. I stood there frozen... Just staring at her on the floor, "fuck this!" Paige said annoyed since no one had helped her, she looked at me for permission, I knew that Paige would never do anything to hurt Savannah so I just nodded to let her know that she can proceed with her magic. She stood up and started moving her hands and chanting some sort of spell. In seconds red and purple mist started forming around Savannah and flowing into her, Paige started chanting louder and louder until she collapsed, panting... "Logan I am sorry... I tried... but her body is rejecting my magic..." I bent down next to her and put one hand on Savannah and one on Paige "it's okay, you tried that's all that matters... " I said trying to comfort her... I knew she felt bad for her magic not working on Savannah....

Paige's P.O.V

Why didn't my magic work? I looked down at my hands trying to figure it out but then it hit me. Savannah's magic must be stronger than mine therefore blocking my magic even though I was trying to help her. Logan put his hand on my back trying to comfort me but I think he was more disappointed that Savannah was dead... Logan started crying even though he was trying not to show it. I was thinking about other ways I could bring her back, because technically her soul doesn't leave her body for another 30 seconds... "I got it!" I yelled and I stood up immediately and yelled "all witches come, get in a circle around me and join hands, make 3 rings around me!" Logan looked at me curiously. The witches did as told and we all started chanting "curare patiens, nunc autem poena inops dolor, maneant modo poena, et non reverta!" over and over again, soon after the first chant the red and purple mist started flying all around like a twister, I was struggling holding the magic together it is a very complicated spell even with the help of all the other witches, it was still weakening me the most because I was the coven leader so most of the magic needed for the spell came from me. All of a sudden the tornado of mist was sucked into Savannah's lifeless body. Her body started to seize, and I started to feel super dizzy, next thing I know I am on the floor watching Logan rush toward me. I black out.

Savannah's P.O.V.

I woke up to see a white room with a desk on the right side of the room. I looked to the left side to see Sara asleep in the arm chair right next to my bed. I lifted up my hand and looked at all the needles sticking in my arm and wrist. I felt a sharp pain in my other arm, I let out a small yelp and Sara woke up immediately and asked "what's wrong? Is everything alright?" She put her hands on the railings of my bed. "Where am I?" I asked, I guess the morphine hasn't worn off completely because I was very weary and confused. Sara then said "you are in the medical bay, and don't worry everyone was okay after the quake." I realized that right behind Sara was another bed with... "Is that Paige? I thought you said nobody got hurt?" I asked nervously "Paige fainted after saving your life... She is the true hero here." She said looking over at Paige's unconscious body, "oh my God is she going to be okay?" I asked putting my hands up to my mouth, my hands were trembling and I feel like I have caused this pain to Paige. "We have her in a medically induced coma so she can have time to heal, the spell took a lot out of her, but don't worry she will be fine." She said reassuring me that everything will be fine but it didn't look that way. "Okay, I can't help but feel like this is my fault, if I hadn't fainted than maybe Paige would be okay and none of this would've happened..." I said looking down at my hands,
"you didn't faint... You died and Paige brought you back." She said quietly "I... Died...?" I asked her "yes, you died but you're okay and that's all that matters." I sat up and Sara helped, I put the railings down on my bed and got out of bed, I walked over to Paige's bed. She looked so peaceful just laying there in her bed even with all the machines beeping around her. "Hey Sar, can I have a minute with Paige please." I asked her "yes, of course I will just be right out side." She walked out the door and I turned back to look at Paige, I started crying and told Paige "I am so sorry this is all my fault, if I hadn't gotten so angry my magic glitched you wouldn't be here... I am so so so sorry" I put my hand on her arm. "WHERE IS SHE?" I heard someone yell in the corridor. I turned to look and Alex came rushing through the door, tears streaming down her face. She fell down to her knees when she saw Paige. "Oh my love, you'll be alright, I won't let anything happen to you." 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2020 ⏰

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