Chapter 7

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              This night was the big night. Even with a war on our hands nothing could ruin tonight. It was the full moon. My first change, and I get to do it with Sara. I walked out of the room and met up with the pack. Sara came up behind me and wrapped her arms around my waist. "So is this a thing now?" Cameron asked looking us up and down. This question drew the eyes of the entire pack so I took Sara's hand and walked up to the front of the room. "Everyone I think it is time for you to know Sara and I are mates." I looked at her and stared into her eyes for a second before someone asked "can two girls be mates? Like is that even possible?" Sara stepped out in front of me and said "yes it is possible, but it is quite rare." The whole pack clapped and celebrated. After the party we headed out to the woods where all the students were gathering for the moon. Dean Logan came up to the microphone and said "Welcome students to the first full moon of the year. Tonight for the first years will be a night to remember. The moon is high which means undoubtedly you are all feeling the pull and urge to change. Please feel free to go change and run the grounds tonight. Have fun students!" I then looked at Sara and took her hand. We ran giggling through the woods until we found a clearing no one had been to yet. I pulled her close and asked "are you ready?" "No, I've never changed before how do we do it." "I don't know but as long as I am with you I don't care." Sara put her head on my shoulder then collapsed screaming with pain. I held her trying to do all I could to help, but not long after I felt the shooting pains through my body that made me scream. I felt my bones break again and again. They were being reformed into that of a wolf. We both laid on the ground crying and wishing for it to end. Then it just stopped. When I opened my eyes I realized I was now a wolf. My first thought was Sara. I looked over to her and saw her. She was beautiful, her wolf was as white as snow and she still had her gorgeous blue eyes. I looked down and saw my reflection in the pond. I was reddish brown with yellow eyes. Sara came over and started nuzzling me and rubbing herself all over me. I got excited so I started doing the same back and before we knew it we were full on playing. Something cold touched my nose and I shook it off.  looked down to see what it was and realized it was snow. It was snowing. I started chasing Sara around the field and then I realized how free it felt to be running. This was the best night of my life.

                        I woke up in my bed, having no idea how I got there I started think about the night before.  My thoughts we're rudely interrupted by the smell pancakes just outside the door and before I knew it Sara walked in with pancakes, eggs, Bacon, and orange juice on a tray. She set it down on my lap and said "Bon appetite" "thanks," I pulled her down onto the bed and kissed her on the cheek. "Alright well eat up we've got class" I ate my food pretty quick so that I could get in the shower. After my shower, I went to the closet and called out "hey, do you mind if I go on a run before class?" Sara yelled back "sure I don't care as long as you stay on the path." "Okay, cool" I walked over to Sara and gave her a goodbye kiss. "Love you" she said with a huge smile on her face "love you too" I said as I left the room and walked down four flights of stairs and found the front doors, I walked outside and found the trail so I hid behind a rock and started to take off my clothes so I could shift I made this mistake last night when all our clothes were shredded after our first change. After about twenty minutes of running I finally decided to walk and let myself rest. But about five minutes into walking I heard a twig snap behind me so I turned my head and looked behind me to see another wolf running straight for me. I started to pick up speed scared it was one of Cullen's assassins but I soon realized that it was just Professor Sydney,  she was the second P.E. teacher that worked with professor Margot. "Hey, how's it going?" She asked me "I am good but why are you out here running don't you have to prepare for class?" I tried to ask in the nicest possible way " I always go on a run before class it just helps me focus on the day, plus it helps keep me calm with all of Margot yelling and screaming at the kids to get changed in 2 minutes, honestly I don't know how you guys get changed in under 2 minutes." She chuckled at this. " I am Savannah and it's a pleasure to finally meet you, I mean like talk and all professor Margot never really gave you a chance to introduce your self at class." "The pleasure is all mine, and.... " she stopped suddenly, she turned around and raised her hackles. "Get behind me we've got company." At this point I was already behind her and wondering what would happen next. Before I could even finish my thoughts four huge vampires jumped out of the bushes and trees and were facing us with fangs revealed. Sydney snarled and growled warning them not to come any closer, all of the vampires we're extremely muscular and had red glowing eyes. One of the vampires said "we're only here for the girl give us her and we won't harm you." "Yea... okay...." Sydney said WAIT WHAT NOW  "...over my dead body!" Sydney yelled as she charged to first vampire and bit into his stomach leaving a giant gash, immediately he fell over in pain but he looked at his friends to attack Sydney, so of course they did. They all jumped her at once and she managed to knock 1 or 2 off of her back but they had her pinned to the ground and biting her and she knew there was no way she could get out of it. She looked at me and all she said "run."

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