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[Daren Kagasoff as Tyler]

I could feel Nick getting closer to the house. It was obvious they were gonna need some time to break the ice between them, but I didn't expected them to take this long. Katie did said that they might, I have no idea what it'll take for me to understand that she's always right. She told me not to worry, but she didn't knew what I know. It wasn't safe for them to be out this long, especially at this time. Pack business was getting more complicated, and it's all to blame on that other speci....

"Stop it, I'm home now." Nick commented the moment he saw me pacing around the living room. When he saw he was getting no reaction out of me, he added with a sly smirk, "I'm not even drunk 'Mom'.." that bastard.

But it actually made me smirk, "If my kid would have stayed out for so long, she would have been then grounded for her entire life." Shawna was right beside him, watching the exchange with an amused expression.

"I would have never imagined you were a father. You look so young." And that made me grin, but before I could reply someone else beat me to it, "He's not a father," Nick butted in. When he noticed my glare he added, "Yet."

"Well I will be in a few months." I clarified with a proud grin.
"Oh! Congrats !!"

Nick started, "So Shawna, that nutcase over there is.."
"Tyler.. I know.. Hey.." replied Shawna.
"Hey dear."
"How ??" And apparently this thickhead was oblivious to this.
"We met when I brought your car," for further drama I added with fake sadness, "How could you be so ungrateful, Nick ?"
"Fuck Off!! Ty."

Nick butted in again, "Shawna, this is the Beta House.." but this time I interrupted him, "Welcome to my little den, Shawna. I hope your stay will be comfortable."

"Wait !! Does that mean you're the Beta of the pack ?? Wow.." she looked amazed and shocked at that little information. But then it dawned on me, if she didn't knew this, what was the bet that she knew about.. so sighing internally, I did a huge favor for my childhood friend.

"And obviously how could I expect our dear Alpha to remember this little information."


So, I was right.. The dick's in trouble now.

"I'm not the Alpha." Nick whined.
"Yet.. But you found her, it's about time you claim the title." And I stated the fact for him. But all it did was made Shawna more confused.
"What does that mean ??"

"I.. I'm sorry. Okay. It just slipped my mind." Now it was time for me to face palm, was that the best he could do. Here I thought he would have learned at least something from me.

"Slipped your mind.. yeah sure it did.." obviously it made her mad.

"Just don't Nick.. Is there anything else that's important, that you forgot to tell me because even that slipped your mind...."

And I butted in again, "Oh.. I think he might also have forgotten to mention about his side chick, Kaylyn.."

That made him groan, "She's not some side chick, Ty.."

Shawna already had her eyes wide, but now it looked like her eyes were about to bulge out, "So.. it's true!! Those articles.. your pics on her profile.. she IS your girlfriend.. OhMyGosh !! How could I forget that.."

She had been muttering these things while Nick had been trying to get her attention. "Shawna please listen to me..."

With a deep sigh, she started, "Nick.. it's too late now.."

And it was Nick's turn to be bewildered. "What.. but.. you can't reject me..."

Before it got out of control, I decided to cut in, "She's not rejecting you, dick.."

He sharply turned to her, "You're not.. ??" The emotions on his face said it all, it was like their bond was getting stronger every minute.

"No!! I can't forget all this stuff or let it go, but I just need some sleep.. I can't take any more information, my mind's overwhelmed right now.."

She then turned to me, "Tyler, can you please show me to the guest room."
Now it was my turn to be shocked, "Guest room ??"

"Yeah, I'll even sleep on the couch if there's any problem."
"No.. it's not that."

"Shawna I have my own quarters here. Come, I'll take you to my room."
"But then where will you sleep??"
"In my room."
"You have two bedrooms... ?"

"Oh.. Noo.."
"Nick, I can't stay in the same room as you.. Tyler I'd prefer the couch.."
"Please Nick, I can't do THIS right now.. I'm tired.."

Nick looked indecisive for a moment, but then continued, "Okay.. we'll talk tomorrow morning.. ?"

"Yeah.. thanks.."
"Good night, Shawna."
"Good night, Nick."

Take her to my room. I'll be in the office. I heard him in my mind.
Are you sure ?

So I did just that.

I started, "You know he ain't that bad. He might come off as rude and even mean sometimes, even a dick, arrogant, but that's just a part of his charming personality.. By the way jokes aside.. you guys really need some time off to clear it out.."
"Clear what out.. ??"

"Whatever is wrong between you two.. I can feel you both are resisting.."
"Resisting.. ??"

"The bond.. I can understand Nick's issue but what about you.."
"I have no idea what you're talking about.."

"See I don't know about werewolf-human mate's bonding, but what I know is that a werewolf's bond hits both the mates hard. In the cases of Alpha and their mate, it's even stronger, so I don't think it'll be wrong on my part to assume that you had felt it, even if it ain't that strong."
"I.. I don't know what it is.." Her emotions were clear on her face at that time, but yet she was more confused than anything else.

"No need to sweat over it, you'll get it soon. I hope so.."
"So do I.."

A Nick Bateman Fan-fiction: Unexpected EncountersWhere stories live. Discover now