Chapter 9

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This week had been quiet, peaceful. So peaceful that Michael deemed it okay to let me out of his sight.

Michael and Luke were currently out getting groceries and I was bored out of my mind. Calum was sleeping and I was left to entertain myself.

I was currently laying upside down on the couch humming to myself as I tried to think of something to do.

I grabbed the remote and channel surfed for the millionth time today, but there was still nothing on.

I was interrupted by a knock at the door. I jumped up and ran to the door but stopped myself as I put my hand on the handle.

I bit the inside of my cheek and contemplated opening it. It didn't work out so well last time I answered the door, I was kidnapped. But what are the odds of that happening again?

I looked back at the stairs and removed my hand from the door knob again. Although they still haven't caught Andy and Dylan.

Maybe I should wake Calum up? No, he needs his sleep after this stressful week. I sighed and slowly opened the door.

I looked around when I saw there was no body there and I went to close the door but I heard a groan of pain.

I jumped and slowly walked to the side of the house where I heard the noise come from.

There was a whimper and my eyes went wide. "H-hello?" I asked but got no response but noises of someone in pain.

I rounded the corner to the side of the house and I gasped. "J-Josh?" I asked shakily.

Josh was on the ground, bloody and beaten. Tears started to roll down my face as I ran to my friend.

"Josh! Oh god." I whispered as I knelt down next to him. I thought he was dead! He had a gunshot wound on his side and he whimpered as I quickly put pressure on the wound.

"Oh god. Oh god! Hold on Josh I'm gonna get help!" I said quickly and got up.

I ran back to the house and grabbed the house phone off the counter and quickly dialed for the cops.

"What's your emergency?" They answered and I managed to stutter out an answer.

"P-please my friend...he uh...he's been shot and I n-need an ambulance. P-please." I answer and run my hand through my hair.

"Sir calm down." The operator says. But I ignore them and quickly tell them my address before I hang up and go to run back outside.

But as I turn around I run into someone's chest. I scream in surprise and they grab my shoulders, keeping me still.

"Ashton?!" I open my eyes to see Calum looking me over. "Ashton why is there blood all over you?! Oh god what happened?! I'll call an ambulance!" I stop his rambling quickly.

"I already did! And I don't know what happened! He just showed up and I don't know how he got there..." I trailed off and my eyes widened again.

I quickly run back outside and freak out when I see josh isn't moving. "Josh. Josh? Josh!" I say and my breathing picks up.

I can hear Calum run up behind me and gasp as he sees Josh.

I hear the faint sound of sirens and I sigh in relief as they start to get louder and louder, meaning they were coming my way.

They pull up fast, rocks skidding as the ambulance screeches to a stop. Calum holds me as they load Josh into the ambulance and just as it pulls away, Michael's car pulls up the drive way. He rushes out of the car and runs to us, his face contorted in worry.

"What happened? I saw the ambulance." He says breathlessly and I bury my face in Calum's chest. I tuned them out as Calum explained what he knew which wasn't much more then I did. Luke rubbed my back and I let out a shaky breath.

The only thing I can think about is how Josh was bloody and beaten, unable to move on the ground. How he was lucky I found him. How if someone hadn't knocked on the door then I wouldn't have found him and he would be dead.

The problem was that he was with Andy and Dylan. So who the hell knocked on the door?

Short but I wanted to get something out there.

Stay lovely🌹


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